Infestation and Assimilation and Hybridization, Oh My!

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ninerman13, Jul 6, 2009.

Infestation and Assimilation and Hybridization, Oh My!

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ninerman13, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    A particular answer on the newest fansite Q & A ( really confused/bothered me:

    Do you have any plans for Infested Protoss? If yes, what sort/kind of unit will it be?
    Based on the lore, the Protoss do not become infested. The combination of the two result in a hybrid race.

    To me, this doesn't make any sense. Why, then, is an infested Terran than not called a Terran/Zerg Hybrid? And if the Overmind's original objective was to assimilate the Protoss into the swarm, isn't that impossible without being able to infest Protoss?

    I am now officially puzzled. I had always thought the following definitions held true in Starcraft lore:

    INFESTATION – The Zerg subject a member of another species to the Hyper-Evolutionary Virus. This causes grotesque mutations and physical abnormalities to warp the creature into an aggressive, obedient fighting machine (e.g. an Infested Terran).

    ASSIMILATION – One step further than infestation. The Zerg evolutionarily warp enough members of a species that they gain access to the very genetic code of the new creature. This leads to a new, permanent member of the Zerg swarm (e.g. Mantis Screamer --> Mutalisk).

    HYBRIDIZATION – The genetic code of two different species are picked apart and spliced together, creating an entirely new entity. This is different than infestation and assimilation, as it is not directed evolutionarily but scientifically.

    However, based on the definitions as I had understood them, it was entirely possible for a Protoss being to be infested and Hybrids were a separate issue. To me, Infested Protoss seem perfectly consistent with the Starcraft lore; and it makes LESS sense otherwise.

    Why can’t a Protoss be infested?
    Why is a Protoss combined with a Zerg called a Hybrid, while a Terran combined with a Zerg is infested?

    Let’s discuss!
  2. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Part of the problem stems from the Terran's lack of psionic capability, ergo the infestation runs rampant through their bodies, turning them into grotesque beasts. Kerrigan is one of the few who have psionic potential, which almost guided the hyperevolutionary virus on a "correct" course to further a would-be assimilation. She's definitely has the Zerg's sadistic instinct, but her intellect remains intact, and her body has no notable asymmetry.

    All Protoss have psionic capability, so theoretically they also would be susceptible to infestation, and produce results almost on par with Kerrigan. I haven't read the books, but I've gone over bits and pieces that mention the Protoss Psionic Matrix having something to do with hampering the virus's progress, as well as mentioning that basically all Protoss are willing to die rather than become part of the Swarm. To me the lore seems really shakey here and the only reason it's there is because the writers don't want to give the impression that the Zerg have "won." Another guess of mine is that purity of form and essence are universally incompatible, no matter how hard one tries to attain both.

    At the end of the day though, I really don't give a damn as long as Infestors get back the Infestation ability. It's easy enough to make infested buildings spawn Broodlings. Or if Blizzard is really hell-bent on making Infestation unique, they could have some sort of infested maintenance robots spawn from Protoss buildings (Remember that arguments on why technology can't be infested have ZERO leverage, thanks to Battle Report 3).
  3. Windblade

    Windblade New Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    blizzard stated somewhere, and there is evidence of, that lore dictates protoss cannot be infested i think it has something to do with their psionic prowess.

    as such the only to to make something that is both protoss and zerg is to take the genetic dna and splice it together at the molecular level creating a hybrid - seperate species and entity

    the zerg assimilate, evolving, they infest humans controlling them. kerrigan is actually the only real form of hybrid - she proved that the real hybrids could be made
  4. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    There has been at least one incident of "infestation", however; the Creep short story.

    I think DNA mixing isn't necessarily required; Ulrezaj was making hybrids (or something like them) underground on Aiur, and there was no DNA mixing. There's more than one way to do it, I'm sure.
  5. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    By definition though there is only one other way to make Hybrids without DNA mixing, and it involves attempting to get the two target species to reproduce.

    I can't even imagine how that would be possible with Zerg and Protoss...
  6. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    I feel the neural parasite should give an infestation art change to units effected by it, this would be a reasonable replacement for the infestation ability.
  7. MurlocMarine

    MurlocMarine Guest

    Wait, if infesting a protoss isn't possible then what did Kerrigan do to the Dark Templar Matriarch in Brood War? She was loyal to Kerrigan, her body didn't change but her mind was loyal to the zerg.

    Also I haven't read any books so I'm not that well versed in the lore, but I'm sure any hybrids between the Protoss and Zerg will be a story line issue that the programers don't want to handle in the basic game play: In other words, whatever the deal was with "durran" making hybrids in the bonus level of the zerg campain will turn into some plot point for SC2 that would get confusing if hybrids could be made durring battles (like if these hybrids are their own race so to speak then it would make no sense if Zerg could make their own durring a normal battle)
  8. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Welcome to the forums, MurlocMarine.

    That is another good question. How did Kerrigan gain control of Raszagal in the original Starcraft? Maybe similarly to the Starcraft II Infestor's Neural Parasite ability, perhaps?

    According to Blizzard, the Hybrids are going to be a story-line issue dealt only within the single-player campaign. You are correct that it wouldn't make sense that a player could make their own within a normal battle, as they are controlled by Duran/Xel 'Naga anyway.
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Ulrezaj used energy transfers to basically "enhance" zerg to be part-protoss. He did that in both Enslavers (the non-canon path) and Shadow Hunters. In Enslavers he used Dark Templar energy and also "genetics stations".

    "How did Kerrigan gain control of Raszagal in the original Starcraft?"

    Telepathy. This is actually explained in Twilight; Kerrigan dominated Raszagal before she ever got to Shakuras! (Incidentally, that should squash any speculation that Raszagal was infested; she was no more infested than a unit that is being Mind Controlled in "infested".)
  10. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I guess that makes sense. If Kerrigan can dominate the entire Zerg swarm, she could have easily maintained control of Raszagal. But if Protoss are so psionically potent, how did Raszagal even allow herself to be dominated? Do you know the actual events that took place?

    As for the energy transfers Ulrezaj utilized, did they somehow add Protoss DNA to the Zerg DNA? Because if they didn't, they aren't true Hybrids.
  11. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Just wonderin'.

    What stops Kerrigan from mind controlling like... more?

    From having read Nova, I understand that any one Terran of a high enough position such as Mengsk wear mind protecting apparatus, but there still got to be lots and lots of other targets, both Terran and Protoss.
  12. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Kerrigan's mind control: Probably a badly thought out plot device. IMO, she should have done so on Shakluras, rather than from light years away.

    The actual event isn't described. However, the Brood War manual said Raszagal's control over her powers began to slip with old age, and Kerrigan herself said Raszagal underestimated her.

    As for whether Ulrezaj's stuff are true hybrids or not, we don't really know. Why use genetics stations if he was only transferring energy? Zamara isn't sure whether his creatures on Aiur are hybrids or not. Perhaps that xel'naga machine transfers DNA with energy; we don't really know.
  13. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    My guess is that Raszagal kind of 'reached out' to Kerrigan, she was an old women (like really, really old) and was a politician, a mother moreso, not a warrior likely the Khalai survivors or even the other Dark Templar she wouldn't be completely comfortable with the mindless killing of the war, especially when it wasn't her people's war in the first place, she would be looking for answers and find the sentience of her enemy reaching back, she would be manipulated and open up to Kerrigan, allowing her to dominate her.
  14. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Strange... On the SC2 site it says the zerg infested the old Dragoon shrines. You'd think that they would be able to infest other Protoss structures.

    Seeing as how the zerg gets an infest ability that has been seen so far on the battle reports against terran (Infesters, the ones that burrow and move at the same time), It would feel imbalanced not to allow the same ability against a protoss. However, Blizzard did do this in SC1 with the queen, but still that whole mechanic did feel rather unfinished. It feld like Blizzard could add more to that function, such as more infested units or allow different races other than terrans be affected.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  15. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Check the Brood War campaign, buddy. Kerrigan states that she made Raszagal her slave before she (Kerrigan) even landed on Shakuras. The dialogue pretty much confirms mind control, and implies use of force on Kerrigan's part (Props for noting Raszagal's age, though. I wouldn't have thought of it).

    One more point to note is that the Dark Templar are extremely distrusful of strangers. Their entire society revolves around a millenia-old exile of their people. I'm pretty sure the only reason Raynor has earned Zeratul's trust is initial underestimation on Zeratul's part and rock-steady morals on Raynor's part. So why would Raszagal trust the freaking Queen of Blades?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  16. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Regarding Raszagal reaching out and being manipulated and such I meant reaching out and responding through the telepathic powers that both should have as powerful psionics, and her curiosity and general maternal instincts allowing Kerrigan more access to her mind, allowing Kerrigan to mind control. That would be why she couldn't simply control non-psionic high ranking terrans, or most other protoss, they couldn't or wouldn't find and open up to Kerrigan. All of this happening telepathically over great distances, well before Kerrigan landed on Shakuras or Raszagal could realise what she really is.
  17. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    @DontHate - The infest ability seen in the Battle Report involved the Infestor launching five eggs onto the battlefield, out of which hatch Infested Terrans. Originally, Blizzard had the Infestor able to launch 'slime' at both Terran and Protoss buildings, temporarily generating infested variants of the two. For whatever reason, they took this ability out, and then decided that Infested Protoss did not fit the lore. I would really like to know the reasoning behind this; as I personally do not see a contradiction with the lore. However, when the Immortal description explains that the Dragoon shrine was infested by the Zerg, it could simply mean infested as we use the term today with bugs, i.e. taken over.

    As far as Kerrigan's telepathy, most Terrans probably are not psionically protected, so as Gasmaskguy said, why doesn't she take advantage of this more? Or try to sway Raynor in the same way as Raszagal; he is not psionic (or is he?).
  18. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Hmm I didn't know that. Hadn't really been caught up with the new SC2 news.
    The new "infestor" ability to launch the infested terran eggs sounds like a really bad idea. It might work game-wise to add to the whole "swarm" template of the Zerg race but I think there would be a better way to pull it off. Hatching terran eggs doesn't seem like it makes much sense when its against a zerg or protoss player.

    In my opinion they should just allow infested protoss and zerg, or make it sort of a time-limited mind control, or whatever.
  19. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    The Infestor also has Neural Parasite, which is a time-limited mind control ability. I agree with you completely though, I liked the original infestation ability that actually involved infesting things!
  20. JacobBlair1

    JacobBlair1 New Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Protoss shouldnt be infested because the zerg have been known to have effect on terran kerrigan is human so she doesnt know all too well about the protoss race but then again i never really got into zerg or protoss my faith was always with the terran