Infantry! More important role in starcraft2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by InfantryAdvocate, Jul 14, 2008.


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Infantry! More important role in starcraft2

  1. What the Terran should have-

    Bring back the medic
    Bring back the firebat
    Create a marine with a shot gun
    The marauder is good
    The ghost rocks
    We need a machine gun!
    A rocket launcher
    Combat Engineer
    Mortar man?

    Lets make the terran more human.
    Medic- the Terran are human, so I would like them more if they fought in a squad. What squad doesn’t need a medic? Medivac is good but it should serve maybe a slightly different role. The medic is like an in combat medic, while the medivac should serve a base mode.

    Firebat- Is the flamethrower for the Marine squad, what military wouldn’t have a flamethrower in the squads while fighting swarms of zerg and protoss units. Fire works! No matter what age your in.

    Marine(shotgun)- a marine with a huge ass shotgun (Zerglingshot) , It fires 5 shots, each doing five damage, at its farthest range it only does 5 damage to small incoming units, but it has the possibility to spread the damage out. At its closest range it does the full 25 damage.

    The Marauder-awesome, a grenade launcher is needed.

    Ghost- (should do like 20 instead of 10 with it rifle)special ops/sniper who wouldn’t want it

    Marine(Gause Rifle)- the most common weapon used in the squad

    Machine Gunner- The 50 cal. Is still the weapon of choice, or maybe a mini gun type of weapon for the
    Terran a stationary and moveable unit that gives a rapid fire of 8 but twice as fast as the gause rifle and
    the rounds are more designed for cutting down on coming hoards of units. Ex. Zeolots, other Marines, infested marines and Protoss, zerglings, and hydralisk.

    Assault Man- a unit that carries a weapon similar to the SMAW, or Javelin that fires a powerful rocket that tracks the target it would do like 40 damage.
    Reaper- It is the future so I guess jet packs are common use keep them in.
    Now of course each infantry unit type would cost different amounts of resources

    The Combat engineer should be able to deploy mines, both claymore, anti-vehicle, and spider mines, and should have a piece of equipment that can detect.

    Each infantry unit should have the same hitpoints, besides the ghost.

    Think about mortars don’t replace artillery(siege tank) there used differently.

    Yes a mortar man. Now so that it doesn’t take the same roll as a siege tank it should do less damage and have a shorter range.

    Blizzard instead of adding the thor. A tank that isn’t a siege tank that has more of an offensive role should be added.

    A ground troop carrier that has a lot of armor should be considered like a futuristic version of the stryker, or LAV.

    I think the thor is a good idea in theory but it just looks like a zord(power rangers?!!!)or something from command and conquer (you know, the chicken legs with a battleship gun on it(get rid of it completely). I know I’ll get some hype about this one.

    I am a marine by trade, an 0311(I’m on medical leave and have nothing better to do) and I think this would revolutionize the terran. Blizzard you should consider this.

    Hell maybe the protoss should have some type of ranged protoss unit. I read a post years ago, the person said that the protoss should have a unit called a nomad, that fires a gun like the corsairs attack that would spread damage. this should be considered. Now of course this should be a tier 2 or 3 unit as to not negate the brutality and power of the zeolot.

    Well tell me what you think, even of the off topic stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2008
  2. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    Let's not have another WWII RTS packaged in a sci-fi setting!
  3. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Medic - was taken out to make reapers more useful. Since medics can't follow Reapers up/down cliffs, it would just be more cost effective to go with the classic M&M combo. I'd still like the medic back, however, though preferably with a decreased healing rate to make M&Ms a bit less OP.

    Firebat - in the map editor, should be self explanitory.

    Shotgun Marine - too much damage coming from an infantry unit, and the unit would overlap with the Jackal.

    Ghost - Does 10 +14 vs. armoured units according to Nikzad's statsheet. Seems appropriate to me.

    Machine Gunner - already taken by the Auto Turret, which has 200 hp and attacks at the same rate as a stimmed Marine, with the same damage.

    Assault Man - Again, too much damage from an infantry unit, and overlaps with the Banshee IMO.

    Combat Engineer - Nomads (the new Sci Vessels) already deploy Spider Mines, which do 50 +50 vs. armoured, which is just fine for taking out infantry and vehicles. As for claymore, why have a spider mine that only does damage in a 180 degree splash instead of a full circle splash?

    Mortar Man - Half a Siege tank, so it's basically useless.

    You have some interesting ideas to be sure, but they sound like they'd fare much better in an FPS game.
  4. Well basic principle of infantry wouldn't change even in a sci-fi setting like starcraft. Were not fighting Nazi's or Japanese were fighting the protoss,zerg,other terran, hybrids, and Xel'naga.

    The terran are human and it wouldn't make sense to have marines with just one type of weapon. Different weapons compliment each other. Of course things are negotiable such as damage, and the mortar is questionable.

    This would make the terran even more unique.

    The spider man hops, and a claymore is a directional charge that throws 100's of mini ball bearings in a single direction making any infantry into swiss cheese

    But the having a squad of infantry units with these kick ass weapons would bring a Wow factor to the game and Blizzard would of course have to make sure all of these units wouldn't replace other units such as mortar.

    A horde of zeolots is charging a 2squad force of infantry all of the units take there appropriate positions. The Gause, marauder and shotgun marines stand behind the flamethrowers, while the medics patroll up and down the line, the machine guns are perched high on a ridge, while the assaultman, snipers, and machinegunners take up positions.
    The combat engineer already planted his explosives. The advancing zeolots eventually take the position but at what cost?

    The ghost- a sniper rifle powerful enough to kill a zeolot with one shot wouldn't have a silencer, it would be a 75caliber sniper rifle that would penetrate the powerful armor and shield and destroy the vital organs(brain) that life requires.
    So maybe the sniper should be a separate unit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2008
  5. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    As much good times as the Medic gave us, I'm now quite keen on the Medivac Dropship and if the healing mechanic of Terran isn't switched around, I'm sure Blizzard will find a way to get all Terran fans to like it.

    Firebat's back in spirit. We've got the new "Vulture" taking it's role. The Jackal. Long range flamethrower on wheels.

    Shotgun Marine? I'd drool over this but if it's a short-range area attacker, it'd be a Firebat. But we have the Jackal.

    Isn't grenades what the Marauder uses anyways?

    I'm not quite sure on this, but I think the Ghost gets a massive damage boost VS light. Then it even has the Snipe.

    Terran have many kickass ways to take down light units like the ones you want to be trimmed down by a machine/minigun. Plus we do have the Auto-Turret that's made by the Nomad. Can't move but the Nomad can.

    As fun as it would be to have a squad of Marines with rocket launchers, we have the heavy damage covered with what's being pumped out by Terran mechanics. Hi there Thor, Battlecruiser, and Crucio Siege Tank.

    F*** yeah Reapers.

    Combat Engineer would be a nice thing to have as well, but Mines are somewhat covered by the Reapers. The only use I'd see from the Engineer would be is the mobile detection (not sure if the Nomad can) and unit type-specific mines.

    But if a Mortar had less range and damage than a Siege Tank, what would be the point of it?

    A ground carrier would be wicked but in order for it to have lots of armor it'd have to move slower in order to balance it out. Plus the new Dropship when (I think it has to be) upgraded turns into the Medivac which heals troops inside of it. Atleast I think that's how the mechanic works.

    I'd discuss the Thor with you, but since it's been changed around a bit I have no idea what it's like at the moment.

    Now by ranged Protoss unit you mean a Protoss in flesh and blood? I wouldn't mind the lightning gun-firing Vindicator from Starcraft: Ghost.
  6. Darktemplar_L

    Darktemplar_L New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Infantry are nice to have but because they are so weak you have to build a lot of them. They are an important part of the game though, so keep them.
  7. During any starcraft game it was pretty damn hard to win just using infantry this is an insult to me. Like I would spend all that time building hundred and fify marines,ghost,firebats, and medics and I would still get slaughtered.

    Lets make the Infantry option a little better for starcraft2, Leave the mortar out keep the other's it would work..

    The firebat would be like a Tier1 unit while the jackal would be faster and in Tier 2

    Also the auto turret is good, so is medivac, so is jackal. But those 40 hitpoint infantry wouldn't replace there lethality.

    Lets here it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2008
  8. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Fire works... except in space :) Of course, Firebats used plasma, which would work in space, but the Marauder is simply a better, less narrow unit. The Marauder pwns Zerglings (just like Firebats) and also does high damage vs armored units (unlike Firebats). And a machine gun is pointless, mainly because it would overlap with the Marauder too much.

    Shotguns are pointless on a battlefield. Marines wear powered armor. Marines need to be able to kill other Marines. A shotgun blast would just bounce off the armor.

    Rocket launchers are kind of pointless, really, as StarCraft is not organized like a real army. Also rocket launchers take a long time to reload, and the things you would want to shoot with them (eg Colossi, Siege Tanks) will simply slaughter the expensive rocket infantry anyway.

    Mortars don't belong in a game with "easy artillery" like Siege Tanks. You use mortars because they can be used very quickly (compared to howitzers), meaning you can hit something maybe a minute after you call for the attack. A Siege Tank can attack several times per minute. Mortars aren't particularly mobile, and they're vulnerable. Siege Tanks are mobile and can't be wrecked so easily. There is no contest.

    Combat Engineers existed in StarCraft: Ghost as Light Infantry. They'd make good NPC units.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I suggested in the past that the gameplay becomes a more spacial war. Big vessels and little ones fighting in the space. Like a game Homeworld. Or just look at Star Wars, when the vessels fight in the space.

    You want now this game to be more like an infantry war. Like in Starship Troopers.

    No, Starcraft must look starcraftish
  10. Firebats- ok then don't have jackals either.
    Marauder-Is obviously different than firebat-one shoots flames, one shoots grenades?
    Machine Gun- Is just cool holy crap why can't any units overlap one another?
    Shotgun- I did say Zergling shot, meaning it can f*** a zergling up, its a military shotgun, not a hunting shotgun, hell make it semi-auto.
    Rocket Launcher- does take some time to reload and there's its weakness; thats why we have other infantry on the battlefield because they compliment that weakness. But the terran force that is fighting its enemies starcraft2 is an organized military? There not a band of idiots?
    Ok you got me on the mortar
    Combat Engineer should be used as I said it should be used for.

    Hey samir look Infantry should only be one part of starcraft. THe units only have 40 hp. You could easily counter them with other methods in the game. ex. Psi storm, banshee, swarm of zerglings, etc.

    Plus it would depend on the map your playing on. If the map is fitting for building infantry then you build infantry, if it requires a little Infantry and air support than do that. If it requires mostly spacecraft than do that.

    Some maps will require ground battles, while others will require capital ships.

    Face it my idea for the infantry is good and would fit in the starcraft universe because it should have been there in the first place. (Aside from the mortar)

    Can I get someone from Blizzard to comment on this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2008
  11. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    On Firebats: Jackals are plain better. In addition to the power of Firebats, they can move very quickly, which is great when setting up overlapping fields of fire. (Real-life "firebats" would need to lay ambushes, which is kind of hard because LoS blocking terrain will be pretty rare in StarCraft II, unlike in real life.) Note that the technology that exists to give the Jackal that kind of maneuverability doesn't exist in real life.

    On Marauder: Role is as important as flavor. Both the Marauder and Firebat pwn massed melee oponents, but the Marauder:

    1) Has a longer range. (With a range of six, it can match Marines and Hydralisks.)
    2) Has more than one role; specifically, it does pretty good damage to vehicles. Firebats did 1/4 damage to vehicles. Obviously Firebats dont' have to suck as much in StarCraft II, since there's a new damage system, but it doesn't make sense in lore for Firebats to be able to pwn vehicles, whereas in real life, right this minute, there are a variety of launched and hand-thrown grenades designed to pwn vehicles.

    Machine Gun: If the unit is cool but useless, then it deserves to be in single-player, but not multiplayer. A machine gun has no place in a game where the Marauder's grenades are flat-out superior.

    Shotgun: This is actually a weapon available in StarCraft: Ghost (given to the Light Infantry, but Nova can steal and use them). Real-life militaries rarely use them due to the short range and their inability to penetrate body armor. Even the cheapest Terran troops wear powered armor, and the Marauder's weapons are (again) better (they can also splash opponents, at a longer range, and can wreck vehicles, and slow down opponents while they're at it).

    Note that I didn't mention the rate of fire of a shotgun, but even today, the only autofire shotguns can only carry twelve shells (the shot comes in big packages), and that doesn't make them any better at cutting through armor, nor does it increase the range.

    Shotguns don't belong in the hands of front-line troops.

    Rocket Launcher: In real life, rocket launchers aren't nearly as good as people think they are. They're not that great at wrecking vehicles, unless you have big, expensive anti-tank missile launchers. They're also only capable of shooting down relatively low-flying helicopters, and they miss a lot.

    In-game Terran troops aren't organized like real-life militaries. If you want actual military organization, with sergeants and so forth, you need to play a single-player game. A typical Marine fire team consists of four people (in real life!) each with a different role. You have a Corporal who leads the fire team (grenade launcher under his rifle, and the launcher is a good way to "point" at someone you want shot), a scout (the youngest guy, goes ahead to look for trouble), the machine gunner (it has a "stopping" effect pretty similar to the Marauder) and the radio operator. The latter simply has no use in a game like StarCraft II, not when you can give commands to any unit, and any unit that gets attacked can call for help.

    Having three or four different types of Marines would make micromanagement too heavy. Unless you're using a squad system, but Blizzard won't do that, if only for fear of being lynched.

    Combat Engineers are too complicated to use in a game like StarCraft II. Unless you can dig fortifications in StarCraft II, there's no point. Again, they can go in single player. (Light Infantry had the ability to carry detectors in StarCraft: Ghost, but that was a game where Science Vessels weren't available in multiplayer or indoors... and yes, Nomads have kept their detection. Melee maps in StarCraft aren't indoor maps. Indoor maps are single-player maps.)
  12. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Right now 'we' use tanks, jets, choppers, APCs and battleships. Why would we go back to the days of infantry when the before mentiond vehicles are much more effective?

    I dislike the idea. I think we would only move up in the techtree of life:)D) and not down.

    But if your really set on the idea, make a map of it in the editor.
  13. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    The US military (among many others) still uses infantry. They're not useless or anything.

    A good army is a combined arms force. Any first world army will use lots of vehicles, however. (In fact, soldiers don't walk from place to place anymore, they use jeeps.)
  14. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    The extra amount of people required to keep an army up to strength would be incredible, 1-4 people (might only be 1) man vikings, seige tanks and jackals. While the infantry equivalent may require up to 10-20 people to match the same fire power and ability to fire when they have zerglings ripping them apart. Morale would also be harder to control because you wouldn't have whole line of vehicles supporting your marines when things get nasty melee wise. Marines and marauders fill in the weaknesses of vehicles, being cheapness and ease of transport. Yet in a highly alien and technological war, humans are hard to keep alive unless they have a huge metal shell around them supporting huge cannons ...
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  15. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Not true. Shotguns are one of the most common weapons in battle today. Shotguns have the highest hit probability of any small arms, and has an average effective range of 50 m. Their penetration is relatively weak but the high hit probability means there is a greater chance of hitting the enemy. In fact, the US military utilizes shotguns very commonly in Iraq for clearing out enemies in an urban battlefield. They can be used to breach doors and are very effective at taking out unarmored targets as well as armored targets depending on the ammunition used at close quarters. Shotguns are also available as under-barrel attachments for standard rifles such as the M16, further increasing a shotgun's effectiveness in the field. So yeah, a shotgun does belong in the hands of front-line troops, at least IRL.
  16. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I've heard very differently about the frequency of shotgun use.

    Shotguns don't have the range of rifles. (50 m is good, but an M16 has a better range.)

    Shotguns would be useful in Iraq due to the high frequency of urban warfare (enemies locking themselves into houses, and you have to get real close to shoot 'em) and the lack of enemies using body armor (that's pretty rare in a poor country like Iraq). However I wouldn't see them useful against an enemy like the Soviet Union (lots of poorly trained but body-armored troops) nor would they be that useful fighting insurgents in the desert (which happens a lot in Afghanistan but not in Iraq). So in short I think shotguns have fairly limited use in a real life military (FIBUA against 3rd world opponents and terrorists).

    I don't think they would be particularly useful in StarCraft, however, where a large number of enemies have the kind of super-dense hides necessary to live in space (says so specifically in the manual) and aren't likely to lock themselves behind locked doors. Protoss generally have good armor (take a look at the Zealot's power suit) and Terran Marines wear powered armor.
  17. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    LOL. You sure have a huge army set up against just one type of unit. If you think about it .. just firebats should have done the job.

    (in this case jackals)
  18. Dustyvan

    Dustyvan New Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    I honestly hate most of it, It sounds like you just took all these ideas out of C&C,

    There are two good ideas, rocket and shotgun... maybe they could be upgrades (Think how the muta could turn into a gaurdian or a devourer)... Machine gun could maybe have to deploy... and that would be cool if it were original... I like the shotgun only because of the buckshot feature.
  19. Zeratul88

    Zeratul88 New Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    well guess what if like the shotgun, rocket launcher and machine then you of course agree with most it because most of the other infantry are already in starcraft. As I said before the basic idea of infantry isn't original.
  20. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    lets just have it in the editor since the main gameplay is enough for every1 else