He used to be a mod, and he would give out big mineral awards to ppl for good maps, but instead of asking the admin for the minerals when they were needed, SC2 (admin, Jon is Jon) just gave him a huge wallet of them, and he had good bank interest, so he reaped in cash. Or so I was told.
dark that's pretty much on the money. At the time mods couldn't spawn minerals like they can now and since imagine ran a bunch of contests as well as being a mod in his own right the admin just gave him a large sum of minerals so he imagine wouldn't have to keep asking for them. On top of that Imagine had intrest so he was basicly doubling his minerals every month, go type 2^10 into a calculator and look at what it spits out and that should be your answer.
1024. You can spawn minerals now? Thats got to go with trust to the mods to not abuse it. His interest rate was somewhere around 2.4. If I remember correctly.
Yeah its only global mods. Yeah it was only like 2.4 but intrest was compunded daily so that's 1.024^30 for an average monthly value which is pretty close to 2.
All correct sirs! When I began running the MOTM competitions, I asked sc2forums for a small amount of money as a starter. He ended up giving me 10,000 minerals. I kept the 10,000 minerals outside of my own bank account but was using it as rewards for both great posts and mapping competitions. When I ran low I decided to use my own minerals and with my interest rate being 2.4% I could have easily recovered but I went inactive for a brief period due to training. I come back to the forum and end up with whatever I had left in the bank! Hence me having the large amount of minerals. But do not worry, I will be using the minerals for competitions and to reward great posts but for some odd reason, I cannot donate minerals to anybody.
The switch killed the ability for anyone to be able to give anything to anyone which is sorta what necessitated mods having to be able to spawn minerals for people.
Imagine, I remember you being by and far the most wealthiest person here, even before you went to training.
You can't anymore. It used to be three items that gave interest to you, you got these when you did something really spectacullar. I think it was: SCV - .1% interest gain Drone - .3% interest gain Probe - .5% interest gain.
Addendum to Dark's last post. You can't anymore yet. Give Jon a bit, he's waiting for the maker of the shop system to tweak some stuff.
He won things. Lots of things. If I remember correctly, he won more than half of the competitions I read about, participated in, or heard from since the time I joined to the forum move. Or I'm just exaggerating because he's my hero.