hi. iv been playing sc2 only for about 3 weeks now and i suck at this game, i have never played the first starcraft and only just played this game for th first time 3 weeks ago, so im really new to this game. i need alot of help and guidance, my favourite race to play is protoss, i dont like playing any other race, so i ned some advice on how to play with this race. and also when i try to read other users posts its hard for me to read because i dont understand the abreviated words everyone uses, like i read a post just before that had something lik mmm,ff,dt and other really short words and letters, my basic protoss stragtegy is to buid a pylon at 9/10 then when thats done i build a barracks (whatever its caled for the protoss) then whie thats building i build a assimilator (i think thats what its called? the vespene gas building thing?) and put 3 of my gatherers onto it when its done.then my baraacks should be doneby that time, i build a cybernetics core then, and build 3 more barracks while thats building. (during all this i buid plyons when needed) so by this time i have 4 gates and a cybernetics core, now i chrono boots the warp gate upgrade to i can turn my 4 gates into warp gates. awhile the reasearch is upgrading i build a templar archieve and then reasearch blink. during this whole time of building everything i dont build a single unit. saving to that when everything is done i can just pump out stalkers. and thats it. thats pretty much my knowledge on sc2. and i dont know what to do after that. also i never block my base in. i dont see how building strcuters at the top of a ramp only to have them destroyed can be a good thing? sems like a waste of good minerals to me. one last thing, people always say to scout, i dont understand that. i tried it and every time i see the same thing, ( people building pylons,suppy depots,and baracks,gates. all the basic stuff that you can only build whn you first start. so how am i ment to know the opponents strategy when everytime i scout i see the exact same thing? and that scout only last a few seconds inside htere base till they chase you out or kill your scout so you only get like a 2sec look. so please help me out. this games confuses me lol
I'm also quite new (and just in Bronze league with 48% win ratio) but I know the basics of the game. As soon as the first building capable of producing units is up you should start making zealots. Lots of people will try to rush in the first few minutes and you should be able to defend against that. The very basis is constantly producing units and probes(workers) while adding buildings as needed and of course scouting because you need to know what your enemy is doing. You must know what every building and unit does (from every race) otherwise scouting is quite useless (except for finding the enemy base) But I suggest to search for " starcraft 2 beginner" and you find the basics about when to make which units and build orders in more detail.
Alright man.. Post a replay or go look at the 3 other I'm a noob threads already up and see if you have their problems.
Hmm, practice your macro. That's how you will get better. When you start learning starcraft, you must know the basics before learning the tricky stuff like harassment. It's not about me or takaim telling you what you do wrong, YOU must understand the basics of the game, like constantly spending your money, constantly doing stuff with your money. How I got better fast is that i always tried to keep my money low. After a good while of doing so, it came naturally. Because even if your good at microing your ****, if you dont spend your god damn money, its worthless. So practice yourself to always make stuff, if you always make units out of your buildings, add more barracks or whatever. Don't get supply blocked either, cuz it slows you down. Always make workers cuz you need money to make an army...
I can give u a few tips but i'm still a beginner myself. P.S a friend is e-mailing me these since he has a subscription somewhere.