i amz teh boredz naowzz... so liek...tis 1 tym rioght...i was walking n styff rioght...n tis totallllyy liieeekkk totallll n00b walks besidesss meee, n he ws lyk "heya yuu yo dawg gott annyyy mount? cuz i amz liek not lvl 40 yetz" n i was liek "yo dawg, yuu dont call ma dawg yo dawg ok? otherwuse ima smash yo dawg so thenz yo dnt have aii dawg dawg, yoo hearz meee?" N then tis totallly uber n00b right...he lyk...walked away n stufff...
I made a thread like this a long long time ago. When I was bored. I had a poll though. My thread was so much better.
Oh. Should probably check ZombiePanic... See if there's a new version. Seeing as I don't have L4D. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
just reinstalled CoD:UO Surprisingly there is a lot of people playing still. But I'm doing an essay so, no I'm not bored, kind of.