I'm bored at work and realize I never properly Introduced myself I am TiNK[E] You can find me on USEAST inside Clan Emp I play SC casually, though Im not very good. I look forward to sc2 and have been on bnet pretty much since 97 with sc1. I like to watch Pro SC on Gomtv and Youtube casters such as Diggity. I dont own a tv and am an Anime Addict! And this Forum is a fun vent for a boring day at work ^_^ Im sure alot of you already have an opinion of me, but I dont care cause, You will neva have this! you will neva have this! la la la la la la Some members I like to shout out to: BirdofPrey for always having insightful views inside the lounge Fenix for her/his awsome desktop's and inside on OS customization kuvasz for our fun arguements ijffdrie for 10 yr old posts in spacejunk that really annoys me ^_^ Banned for his creative Anime artwork (the non border hentai work) and couple others i cant remember off my head.
border hentaii is good isnt it? you ever checked my ShadowAngel project or my yo.... thread? i love the sig by the way
border hentai.. no. I think it degrades alot of potential anime who use it as a sell point. Hentai itself is an industry.. and whatever its porn. Border Hentai is just dumb. I think I saw.. if not that thread then one like it. All i see is "Death Knight" and im not reading any farther. and ty
OMG he mentioned me. Don't remember what you're referring to though :laugh: Welcome, enjoy your stay.
I remember ridiculing E for the childish "omgchatroomwar" thing but that's about it. Anyway. I helped create your banner so we should be good
Hiho Tink[E]! Welcome to the forums and i have seen you post quite a while in this forum, especially in the Empire threads :> Have a Good Day!
Wow Hayden, you are so original with your posts. Come back when your ready to play with the rest of the kinds. Copypaste posts border on spam. You too Ximini.
TiNK[E] "Welcome" Dont name H*ntai anymore, a year ago or so ijffdrie nearly got banned for just saying the word !?
That's retarded. Hentai is just drawn porn, are we not allowed to say porn either? ==== Oh dear dear me, I was to busy giving everyone death glares to say hello and thank you. So helleo, and thank you for liking my insightful views. That comment seems a bit odd to me though since I try to stay out of MOST of the really nasty discussions.