this week up; cosmetics do you want to be able to change your hair style and color at any time, by just thinking of it --or-- do you want full control over the color of your skin?
It's at two now! Not valuing hair style or colour at all, I initially thought skin colour, but after considering what could potentially be down with being able to change hair style, especially in regard to my recent 'power' poll, I decided hair style and colour could be a heck of a lot funnier.
i would walk up to random people. start screaming at them, and then let my hair go Super-saiyan, then ascended saiyan, then super-saiyan2 then 3 and then 4 just for the heck of it ________ ( ) ROFL ROFL|ROFL ROFL ( LoL ) NOOOOOOOOOB __|__ (_______) || L / \ || LOL====| O O \ NOOOOOO L \______/ ___ Noo|OOOOOBBBB l ====|===|==-------------|Zomg> Noooo|OOOBBBBBBBBB- LMAO ____ NOOOOOOOOBBBBB l LL OO LL LMAOLAWL----------|NOOB> NOOOOOOO L L O O L L LMAO L L O O L L LMAOOOOOOO LL OO LL LMAOOOOOOO LL OO LL \________/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Although super sayan would be funny, it's not at all the reason I'd choose it. In fact.... Thinking about it... Any hair style would mean any length, any design and as much structural support as you want! Anyone else realise the extent of these capabilities?
None of these powers. I see no point into controlling the color of your skin if you can't control the ones of your eyes and your hair etc. I want to be able to control the color my whole body. I would make my skin darker and my hair brighter though, and when people piss me off, I would turn into a psychedelic chameleon, with all the rainbow in a crazy blinking fashion. Just unbearable haha. EDIT: damn I have just been tricked twice into those stupid space junk topics within the same evening. Must pay more attention now.