1. Make a good summary of the ShadowAngel redesign, including the five classes, the faction system, the PvP system and the in-game regions. 2. Finish the tech list in Rise of Magic, adding all the high-end discoveries, including the city settling options. Or at least make a list of all the tech you already thought of. Also, add a race list. 3. Finally settle on a tone and magic system for second dawn, properly enabling the integration of the magic hate within the setting 4. Start designing the races for the RTS Can't Bear This. 5. Create a sustainable large-scale base for an expedition to Mars for school 6. Write the text for Bobby the snake, a children's book 7. Think up the 5 remaining circles of hell for Trapped Below 8. Finish the Island of Durna for Morrowind, including several new objects 9. Finally start on that course japanese you got 10. Finish the script for the parody picture book 'the wail of music' 11. Do harder and more frequent training activities 12. Get back to drawing practices 13. Trick satan into donating his soul. 14. Watch 5 centimeters per second, clannad and beyond the clouds the promised place 15. Sleep