and now for an anime with a long name Style: anime Genre: Mecha sci-fi subject: Some driller from a town surpressed by artificial half-beasts ends up fighting beings in a non-existant universe who try to destroy all DNA opinion Story: t'was good. first arc was best, second arc was very annoying at the beggining with a depressed Simon and third Arc was very cool though the last two episodes were.... strange..... (wit terms like probability function failure and Random Schrodinger Warp) it was really confusing when they started to throw with alternate dimension galaxies. Story B+ characters: I keep laughing so hard at the triggerhappy guy with the big lips who always presses the fire button without being told to. There are some other great characters in there as well, though i think some were kind of annoying(most of the dai-gurren) so a B- humour: again, triggerhappy guy makes me ROFL B+ other: The word drill being used all the time made me feel uncomfortable. The Spiral theme was really worked out well, and Yoko wears an awesome outfit
I might check out the anime but what were the other 2 editions of this thread? i have only seen this and heroes. PS: i see why you're getting uncomfortable with the word 'drill' (i think).
Lol @ 'drill', think I get it Anyway, sounds great. Triggerhappy guys are so funny. -Haggerd from battlefield: bad company, so funny- I would want to watch it. I like mechs. Alternate universes confuse me, though. -stargate and that mirror thing, weirdest episode ever-