Ideas for the new Terran Buildings at E3.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by concreteasflesh, Jul 12, 2007.

Ideas for the new Terran Buildings at E3.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by concreteasflesh, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. concreteasflesh

    concreteasflesh New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    it seems alot of people are arguing about the new buildings looks. i have a simple theory which for the most part settled my nerves till we see more indepth detail.

    Buildings: think of it this way. The Terran Confederacy was the first "governmental" infastructure in the sector, with only scrape material to build from (crashed ships, local unknown resources) the Terrana did the best they could to survive in hostile territory. building what they could from what they had. Then along comes the Dominion, with resources more known and better selection through planetary expansion their technology bustled. Then came the UED, who are the most advanced Terran/Humans, and had to come from a long long ways away. What if they brought their buildings premanufactured. With better building materials, they were able to set up bases quickly and secure regions this way. The UED was defeated, and not every single thing they built was destroyed. As Humans we learn from one another and adopt to our environment. I imagine the Terran Dominion used UED technology to advance their own buildings and vehicles. They were also losing alot of units and bases in the campaign and its logical they sought to build better armored buildings and units. So heres how I see it: its 10 years in the future. The Terran Dominion has learned the route of the UEDs quick expansion and premanufactured buildings. So they in turn have different buildings now (if you watch the game play trailer i love how when the Terran start building turrets theres a construction crane helping out the SCV, which is more realistic, because the Zerg mutate into buildings and the protoss warp them in, so its hard to imagine a single little Terran SCV builds a Barracks all on its own.) their buildings are premanufactured for faster and more secure building, and they have better armor plating to ensure a longer life span. the Buildings look better now then the rag tag buildings of old because of UED technology being implemented and the need for safer, tougher buildings. This to me makes sense.

    Also think of this way: the Zerg are evolving physically, the Protoss are evolving Physiologically and the Terrans are evolving Technologically. It makes sense that the buildings are totally different now because the Terrans are living in different standards then before. The Terrans cant evolve harder armor or physiological strenght so they much evolve their technology to survive. And there kids you have my theory on the New Terran Race. . .
  2. GuiMontag

    GuiMontag New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Re: Ãdeas of new Terran screenshot sightings.

    good explanation, but i dont see that much of a difference lol
  3. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Re: Ãdeas of new Terran screenshot sightings.

    I think it's just Blizzard being lazy.
  4. FlyingTiger

    FlyingTiger New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Re: Ãdeas of new Terran screenshot sightings.

    lol i don't think he's referring to the texture but the "looks" of the terran buildings.

    I was going to post something about this relating the terran buildings to the storyline, but I didn't know how to put it into words for people to comprehend. Concreteasflesh did the job. Great explanation man. I agree just about everything you said.

    Awesome job! :powerup:
  5. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Re: Ãdeas for the new Terran Buildings at E3.

    Only thing new/different that the UED brought was the medic and valkyrie but everything else was exactly the same visually and functionally. But as you say it's been ten years so it makes sense that there would be design changes and improvments.

    And to all the complainers, you do know that the game isn't done yet? Graphics are a work in progress with any game and right now they are concentrating on balance and gameplay.
  6. IO

    IO New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Re: Ãdeas for the new Terran Buildings at E3.

    The Terrans are indeed evolving but on a higher scale than you think. According to both Wikipedia and starcraft wiki articles on the terrans it appears that the terrans are infact the the brink of becoming a formittable psionic power as apparently this was the reason why the zerg attacked the terrans in first place, to get a "soon to be" powerful psionic species into there swarm. But terrans are still generations off from this and that is why only afew terran currently have psionic powers (kerrigan).

    Oh and You do indeed have a very sound theory but still the graphics for the supplies is still very pathetic! But then again This is only pre alpha.
  7. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Re: Ãdeas for the new Terran Buildings at E3.

    give the terran gundam robots or somethnig.

    anyway nice theory. and i believe it so here :powerup: