Hello Everyone, This topic may have already been discussed before, and I hope it has already been implemented. If not, then hopefully it isn't already too late. When you upgrade a building like a Command Center, it visually changes as well, so when you upgrade a unit, why not do the same thing? The SC2 engine should have no problem implementing it. The idea is to make it convenient for players to easily (visually) determine what the upgrade status is on a particular unit on the battlefield without needing to click on the unit to find out if it has upgraded its weapons or armor. If a Marine has upgraded his weapon, the weapon he is holding should be visually reflected once the upgrade is completed. So it would go from the standard black rifle he holds to a silver-colored, larger rifle for a level 1 weapon upgrade. When he upgrades to a level 2 weapon, it could be a gold or platinum color, or have additions like a larger scope, longer barrel, or the weapon itself would have glowing/alternating LEDs, and when the Marine fires his weapon, the firing discharge will look and sound more fearsome. Larger light-shadow radius, more recoil, more ejecting shells, more post-fire smoke, etc. Also, his helmet can change to reflect aim-assisting technology integrated into his visor. The primary goal is to make it noticeable when a unit has been upgraded, and the secondary goal is just to add that extra touch of detail. If the Marine upgrades his armor, man, the possibilities are endless! He could look 5 percent bigger, or he could have thicker armor, like bigger shoulder pads, and maybe he will start to leave footprints in the ground because of his increased weight (that disappear eventually of course), but then again, footprints could completely change the gameplay dynamic. Or he can look more streamlined if the upgrade involves him moving faster and using light-weight composite armor. Man, with Zerg carapace upgrades, they could look even more badass! Sharper spines, thicker bodies, deadlier sounding SFX. They don't have to be too fancy as long as the first goal stands--being able to tell if a unit has been upgraded and to what level. The same thing can be applied to units with special abilities or spells. Being able to just look at the unit and figure if it has a particular special ability researched and thus capable of casting it. I hope someone here can inform me on whether or not something like this has been considered, or if it has already been implemented into the game! Thanks for reading my post!
I think this idea of yours is already in-game. Have you considered looking at the BC? it is one of the most obvious units that gets this visual changes. I can also recall the marines getting shields and the zerglings getting wings with the crack upgrade. I'm not sure if giving details to armor levels would be a good change but nonetheless I also believe that the engine has the capacity to make it happen. Maybe it is just a matter of decision making for the designers. Personally I would love to see this get implemented, but if in the process it would add another year or two to design, I'd rather have it genuinely the way they originally intended it to be.
BC? Do you mean Battle Cruiser? Yeah, the shields for the Marines is a nice touch, but if there are going to be multiple upgrade levels like in the SC1, it would be preferable for such levels to be immediately recognizable. I suppose a max upgraded unit getting visual changes such as Marines getting shields and Zerglings getting wings is better than nothing, but it would be more useful to have each visual adjustment accurately reflect the current upgrade level. How about a level 1 armor upgraded Marine's shield being smaller, and a max upgraded shield (level 3?) being what it already is, but with an insignia or band (on the shield) to signify their elite status (and their visors showing green activity, like they are connected to an advanced information warfare network)? I think Cracklings getting wings doesn't make much sense. They should give them a frenzied look instead, like having them foaming at the mouth, or have them twitching nervously when idle, or having a cloud of sparks or bubbles popping over their heads.
Here's a link to the Battlecruiser in SCII. It has screenshots of the different upgrades freedom23 mentioned. While I'm all for details and making all of the units more pleasing to the eye, I don't see any tactical value for displaying the unit's armor/weapon upgrades. Example: The Battlecruiser has three different abilities that serve three different abilities, and knowing which is present will allow the player to respond accordingly. Facing a BC with Defensive Matrix? Then distract it with a small group of units until the Matrix times out, or bring in Void Rays and tear straight through it. BC with Missile Barrage? Try and use as much GtA to avoid loss of air units. BC with Yamato Cannon? Have a SCV or two nearby to repair the building/unit (thereby stalling for time), or bring in Queens with Transfusion to achieve the same goal. Those are all different abilities that require a different response, but the unit itself has it's own hard and soft counters; having more armor/weapon upgrades doesn't mean you suddenly need an entirely new strategy to take the unit down, it's just become a little bit more powerful (and at that point, your units should be too). Things like the Crackling and Ballistic Alloy Shields are in the middle-ground - the upgrades give Zerglings and Marines (respectively) more game longevity, but at the end of the day they're still Tier 1 units, which can and should be dealt with as such.
This subject has been discussed months ago. Especially for the Marine with a bayonnet to show that his weapon is upgraded to the maximum, the shield to show that his armor is upgraded to its maximum and Zergling with wings to show that its speed has been upgraded. Additional viduals for upgraded units and structures are a great idea and I like it. But it would handicap the player because as Kaaraa said the enemy will just adequatly respond to the player. And those visual aspects will bring Blizzard more time to finish this game. Imagine how to modify the aspects of ALL units (T,Z,P) and even ALL structures. The work is huge. Adding some capital visual changes could modify the gameplay dynamics as you said. Frankly I love this idea. But I would suggest not to change visual aspects of ALL units and structures but some of them. Marines, Zerglings, Battlecruisers already. The thing that will not lead to your idea would be the huge work it needs. If it is just to show the visuals but not changing the gameplay aspect it's also ok. But the work it needs already ...