[IDEA] Queen

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by RaiseTheFlag, Oct 23, 2009.

[IDEA] Queen

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by RaiseTheFlag, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. RaiseTheFlag

    RaiseTheFlag New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    The Queen is not an effective unit in battle and its such a joke to see her die during Raids. It used to be the Zerg's Hero as she can continuously evolve into a stronger and more effective form. But this feature gained her the No. 1 Most Wanted Zerg unit. So this was change and gave the Zerg to spawn more Queen's irregardless of the Royal Pontification.
    Then she got the Razor Swarm that could help Zerg structures defend itself from attacks. This was taken away which led me to to think what on Earth were they thinking... it was like ditching the Swarm Guardian's breatstroking model. :)
    Now as these changes meddled the Queen's role play they gave her the ff:

    Burrow hides from the enemy.
    Creep Tumor extends the creep faster. Can only be used on creep.
    Spawn Larva gives the Hatchery an additional larvae.
    heals biological unit for 200 hitpoints.

    The burrow listed here is not the same as Deep Tunnel which was very important for her role in 'Guarding my Nest, and keep my babies safe' which the Queen should be tasked for. So what I ask is for Blizzard to renew the Deep Tunnels stats to either one of these:

    Nesting Tunnel The Queen can teleport itself to any area covered by Creep as long as there is a Zerg building (owned by the Player) within 400 AoE.
    Excavate Allows the Queen to burrow (teleport) to the targeted Creep area as long as there is an Overlord flying above.

    As for the Nesting Tunnel is an idea where the Queen creates pathways for there to easily guard her underlings and gain access to her colony with ease. This trait can be seen in Ants, Termints, Bees etcetera.

    On the other hand, Excavate allows the Queen to hone in the signal transmitted by the Overlord and dig her way through. This allows the Queen to synergies with the Excrete Creep by the Overlord. The Queen can now take part in Raids just like Warp abilities in Protoss mech. The thought behind this is the Queen attacks/ avenges the death of her young or driving of the treat in her colony. See how animals defend their young.

    This idea could be simple but could be enough for her to move up a notch. Oh by the way, some should increase her HP to 205 or something.

    // Take not of the Concept and not the name
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  2. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    First of all I have to say that is a very good image you got there! +++!!

    Now, I have to say that the queen is as good as fixed to staying in the colony if she dare wants to sustain continuous larva spawns. The general conflict here for my opinion is that they really need to finalize that 3rd ability transfusion because it really has no place for use for players to use, and besides what makes you think that you will be allowed by the enemy to heal your structure freely? I'm pretty sure 90% of the time during an economic harassment against the zerg, they will be killing the queen priority number 1.

    About tunneling - I like your ideas about the two of them but maybe only 1 of them should be prioritized and I'd rather have that Nesting Tunnel ability than Transfusion and Excavation. Basically you have a zerg blink but bounded to a creep with a structure. This might become useful for evasive maneuvers because shes kind of fragile and defenseless against enemies. This factor also somehow gives problems for your 2nd tunnel idea
    since the queen wouldn't be of any use offensively. But maybe if she can spawn larva out of her own body then maybe she can get somewhere with this excavate ability.

    I just could not visualize the queen to be used offensively with tunneling so its better to keep her secluded and get away from danger. Just like ants, they don't want to put their queen in harms way and drives off intruders. And perhaps this could be an idea for the queen to get an offensive-defensive spell that spawns her timed life bodyguards.

    If ever it comes down to a decision that they will modify the queens' abilities, It would be nice if they bring back deep tunneling but should be range limited.
  3. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    i strongly disagree queen helps a lot in zerg origin
  4. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    the queen is only useful for her spawn larva ability now.

    At least the queen in SC1 had the ability to 1-shot tanks with broodlings.

    Spawning larva doesnt even compete economically in the late game compaired to the terran mules or protoss probe collection speed ability. This was proven in the toss v. zerg BR when on same bases, the toss was collecting minerals 2x faster while having only a few more probes due to its obelisk probe speed ability.

    The zerg have lost dark swarm and they need some good late game ability to make up for it. While the infestor is good, I don't think it'll be as useful as the defiler from SC1 in the late game.
  5. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    the overseer needs to have a HP boost and get transfussion, then again im not sure how much HP they have and you could mass them and heal stuff so either way transfussion needs to be on the overseer.

    and the queen had thos abilitys taken away I think so that she can become a mass larva spawn unit, but I guess you could have a few queens tele between bases to spawn larva.

    and maybe if she got this ability then you could add the razer swarm (it was like psi storm but movable right???)
    and if she had razor swarm then you could tele to a part of a base and spawn a razor swarm then tele away. also would give some fun strategy to ZvZ. (find other Z with ovie tele queen on there creep and spawn razor swarm then run and repeat for awesome endless eco harras as long as you have the energy.)
  6. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    at least on SC2 the queen attacks and can be an absolute deff to your base.. not to mention its hard to kill in early game..
  7. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Yes she can attack, but for a very shameful amount of damage. She is no defensive based queen anymore, since removing razor swarm and deep tunneling, the queen greatly lost its ability to fend of harassment. Its abilities are now all meant for base management (transfusion, spawn larva, creep tumor). And nowhere among those 3 skills can the queen be considered an absolute defense.

    Maybe this unit needs a name change since it does so much for economic and macro progress that is much more worthy of description for a servant. And I think its highly un-Queenish.
  8. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    aw, i did`t see that coming, guess queen is for early game after all, does the queen have lots of hp anyway?
  9. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    maybe the queen can get something in 3rd teir that gives 6 larva every spawn and decreases the spawn thing time from 25 sec (or what ever) down to like 12 (about half)

    and get a damge boost and maybe you could have one queen for a hatchery, 2 for a lair and 3 for a hive and you can spawn the spawn larva more depending on the level of you're teir (hatchery on at a time, lair 2 at a time, hive 3 at a time)

    and posibly add a new "super unit" in late teir + a mineral mech, and you could have Zerg have a number advantage in early game and a more powerful trait in late game.

    (like something like maybe a super zergling?) it would have one ling hatched out of one egg and it would have like 100 HP and 20 damge and be like 200/150

    just an idea, probly won't happen though.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  10. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I doubt with that idea G.def, the zergs economy right now are just actually keeping up with protoss and terran, they aren't economically advantageous as they were from brood war. And as seen from those BRs' expansion has been cheaper to do for other races, which is good for them but somehow ain't right for the zerg. No matter how many larvaes the zerg may produce, the number of drones produced wouldn't equalize the protoss mechanic since the obsidian pylon only costs little to start with. Anyways, the thing is that the queen is already considered helpless in her current state and we wouldn't want to further degrade her by limiting her spawns per tier or the numbers of queen that can be produced. Imo, its current form is fair but being fair is not going to solve zergs problem. I just hope that they can give us a good look on how David Kim would win as a zerg against someone else other than Yeon-ho.
  11. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    LOL, Maybe then they could give the infester the damaging moving cloud, might be better then freaking marines spawn. Or even a 3rd abiltiy (I think there's only marines spawn and mind control)

    And maybe at the lair and hive you could get queen att upgrades. (starts weak then goes strong)

    Hatchery: queen att is set at 10
    Lair: queen att upgrade boosts up like another 10
    And at hive it gets a huge boost so it does like 50 damge
    but then make it slower to compensate.
  12. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Overseers need to axed; Bring Overlords back to normal and give Zerg a real new unit. Queens need to be for more than just the Zerg "economy" boost; that's not a useful unit if that's the only role it provides. Zerg needs USEFUL units.
  13. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Maybe they could just scrap the morph, and make an (some new building name) and it would be availible very cheap (100/50) with quick build time would give the overlords all of their upgrades, so like speed, sight range increased as well as increases when stationary and gives detection, and being able to pick up units and maybe a spawn changling, that can be spawned from the max sight distance so that you can possibly make use of it.

    Or even make it the "mind" so to call it (the building name) and it will have upgrades for a new unit, maybe a small att unit that can meld with the queen and give it + energy and HP and att, and maybe a new ability, (morph would take only a few seconds and would cost all the energy the queen has at the time,

    Idk, they need something new or at least create the muta stacking glich come back.

    Oh and freedom- how does that make sense.
    "-oh yea the Zerg are keeping up except for the fact that they lack a mineral mining mech and they have less workers then the other races and they have lost their ability to have cheaper expansion..."

    Sounds like crazy stupid talk.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  14. LoVeRBoy[E]

    LoVeRBoy[E] New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    I agree, the queen is to weak to be a queen. I think the queen in alpha version of StarCraft 2 was much more useful and more of a base defender than an economic advantage. The extra spawn is not really and economic advantage to me, to me it's more like a way to build faster and that's all. In the alpha version the queen was able to cast defensive spells on buildings and was able to go under the creep and come up somewhere else in that person's base. To me those were great ideas, the spell casting was a good way to defend against early harrasment. The "teleport" was a good way to defend against attacks there where to far away. I'm not saying that Blizzard has to bring back those ideas but it would be nice to see the queen become more of a base defender.

    Yes the queen can attack already but the attack is much of anything in later game if you ask me....