The profit margins are dropping off and support for StarCraft 2 is building. I had heard from someone in the community that they weren't receiving nearly as much traffic on their site or StarCraft servers. So they shut up shop until StarCraft 2 as much of us are doing.
It is true. ICCup is dead, gone, maybe never to be restarted. We can only hope that the next StarCraft will rejuvinize and will restart ICCup. Thus ends the greatest and most widely used private StarCraft server. Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404 Mon Dec 1 00:03:59 2008 Apache GG
Lmao don't get to excited it mostly likely will be back due to popular demand sc always had the most amount of people on the server.. -.-
No, EVERYTHING is gone. LOL my friends are screwed. They HAD official versions (well, one of them, the other had a CD-Key) but lost their CD-Keys. LOL
So anyone been back to see the countdown banner? Perhaps they were updating their servers and will come back online. Or maybe not. A little over 2 days to go, I guess we will know then.