that I rickroll'd 2can (sorry buddy aint never gonna give you up) err i mean let you forget about this lol i made an exe that opened up internet explorer and went to the rickroll youtube video i posted the exe along with a copy oblivion.dll and this exe and a notepad that said open exe for h4x on zshare he dled it and GG :laugh: this did happen like a long time ago but i like to remind him often
man ppl... i rickrolled 2can AGAIN! starcraft style i made a map with jpeg to scm of rick astley and inserted part of the song to play when u start map it was epic now i am banned for sure >_>
hey chek this URL out... O MAN YOU JUST GOT RICK ROLLED ROFLFEST ..... Join this game quick.. ROFL RICKROLLFFA. :no: