sorry but im kinda new here cause ive been gone for a while and just came back some of you might know who i am im lost in the new forums i cant find the shop please help me
the shop has not been installed right now, the adim. was going to installed it soon, but he vanished recently.
Well, if you get the shop up and running, then when our god comes back, maybe we can have a mineral hunt.
Don't need "god" to come back to get a mineral hunt going. Problem is the current shop has a HUGE security flaw and I'm having trouble getting the new one. The guy wants another $50.
Yeah we don't but, it would be a nice welcome back event don't you think? He is trying to rip us all off, but what can you do?
Do you at least know its features or can you try it (i.e., get some kind of demo or screenshots of it)? Because 50 bucks doesn't sound too bad (that could easily be collected from members if you provide several ways of transfer), but only if it's definitely what we want.
Hell, I'd chip in to see the shop put back in action. While we're on the subject, would our mineral counts/stuff be reset to zero/none because of how long it's been, or do you have records packed away somewhere?
That's already two of us And yes, they still have the records and although opinions vary, I think the ones for their restoration are in solid majority.
I'm for it. Jon, if you need, I will send a little more with my shirt order money, to help pay for the shop.
Na, guys, don't send more money. The best thing you all can do is just buy the shirts. They're good advertising for the site and the markup on the shirts contributes greatly. You're basically paying $8 for the shirt and $12 for the site. I would rather you all buy and wear shirts than donate money.