i keep playing custom games and get paired up with diamond and platinum players and.....i got owned so badly, its not even fun . does anyone want to practice with me? please p.s. i play zerg
Sure! I'll play with ya. Always down for a game of Starcraft. I'm currently doing the whole practice league thing, figure I might as well get some practice in before getting placed in a league. I'm pretty good at the game (played a lot of SC1 and other RTS games) and I play terran, gimmie a shout Look forward to hearing from you in game! Name: Sawwz Code: 855
I have a lot of RL friends in bronze league, one in silver. I can probably hook you up. I'm in gold league and I can play 2v2 co op if that would help. I'm a zerg player too. Prawn 189