He guys i made a map and im having some troubles doing the triggers, if you guys know how to make healing triggers work then please message me , my tag on brood war is ReApEroFf[E] PLEASE TELL ME!:twitcy::twitcy::twitcy::twitcy:
First off, this should be in the map section There is a 'modify hit points' trigger, there is also one for shield and energy, while i don't you think you can modify it by a percentage, you should be able to set it to something *hasn't tested*
Cause - Bring 1 any unit to location >insert location here< Effect - Modify hit/shield/energy at this location Effect - Preserve Trigger there you go, thats all you have to do
NVM i got it all fixed, beta testing begins on saturday the 28th in the month of march at 10 p.m. battle net time
i bet around the lines of RPG or RPG and RTS Its too inificient to have just RTS. unless the units have 3000 HP or above