I must say im glad to be back, i had a horrible month-ish, lost me job, couldnt find a new one, and then had to move, I am finially on some steady bit of ground again and hope to stay there for a while. mods, if you feel like this isnt the right place for this thread, then please move it to where-ever you feel like it should be. P.S: so did i miss anything while i was gone?
hey dude!!!!!!!!!! long time!!!! lewlewlewl xD naa u havent missed much; Just read up on the latest news. They dont even have battle report 2 out yet. >.> <.<
1. yes i am. 2. *sigh* fast food place right now, it really irks me, but i dont think i can get a better job until the econ starts getting better again. 3. right, ill get on that then.
Welcome back. Nice to see you on the forum again. Also, good to see that you at least have somewhere to live. -and have a job- Many people out there who were not so lucky with this crisis thing. :/
I was the cable guy, oh well, I didnt really like it, but i didnt really hate it either, so i was able to be just fine with it. but i have to be( and is) thankful that i have a job now, i can only hope that the econ gets better enough for me to switch to a job that i like more. (note: I became a cable guy thinking that I might like it a bit, turns out I was a bit false about that.)
Because people try to kill you if you don't give them free cable, or what? :s It sounds like a relaxed job to me. One question: is it really that easy to steal it? Just a few changes on your tv and a different wire? -No worries for abuse, everybody in Holland has cable. Just want to know if this is just a myth.-
What Scorponox said, with a few cables and an extra TV you can set them(the 2 TVs) both to the box, but they will both be stuck on the same channel, or you can steal the box(NOT recommended) without them noticing(yeah...) crack it open and rewire it so they wont be able to trace you, but unless you know in good details the interior of the box and what your doing, it would just ruin the box. so... yeah, sorry you will just have to be stuck with paying that cable bill.