I'm only a gold player (5thish in my division), but I tell ya I love these blink stalkers in P v P. They become straight up nasty once you get enough of em. Here are a couple of replays showing what I'm talking about. Any advice is appreciated , I'm mostly new to Toss (only have 10 toss wins - ex zerg player) (Anyone else love PvP matchups like I do? So balanced and fun)
Stalkers are very strong in P v P - But so are Zealots, provided you can get Charge before the enemy gets Blink to his Stalkers. Can't tell you how many games I've won by Chargelot "Rushing" (IT's not really a "Rush" since it requires alot of tech and you spend most minerals on Zealots, but still) with 16ish Zealots with Charge, then swapping right over to Stargate. The enemy rarely have blink by then, and gets vaporized unless he micros his Sentries really well. With a lot of Gas over, I can get 2 Stargates out and get 2-4 Void Rays before I make my move. By softly seeming to make a move with my Zealots I can move in and charge up my Rays at a building - he will have to use every stalker he has to kill the Rays basically because when they're charged up, they're MEAN. My Zealots will then charge in when his attention is somewhere else and... Yeah well that's my strategy. Point being: P v P is fun and balanced
I agree that blink is a valuable P v P skill, cant tell how many times ive been able to either save my stalkers or save my mineral line using blink. Charglots are always good to but the think with blink is you can escape to a higher elevation and continue raining down on the lots. Other than that both excellent units.
Blink works really well too if your opponent PvP is massing zealots, because you can blink ontop of platforms, and avoid the zealots, even if they have charge.
Or blink on ledges behind their mineral line and do some serious harassment Collosi are better for those spots though
I love chargelots way more than stalkers with blink, although it is nice to come up a cliff into T's base mid to late game.
This is one thing i need to use more of. Only time i really use blink is when im making a push up a ramp and need to get all my unit up there
Yes, provided you have vision... Also, a fun fact: This was the first thread I ever read about SC2 on the day I came here looking for a trial key... Tried to figure out what blink stalkers are right after