The number of guests reading the forums is creeping higher and higher. The engines cannae take it, cap'n. We must divert auxiliary power to forum life support.
Snape kills Dumbledore Kerrigan gets de-infested and marries Jim Raynor. And they all live happily ever after. THE END EDIT: I may just stop visiting the forum until midway through August to avoid potential spoilers.
Kaaraa, we're gonna try to crack down fairly hard on spoilers. You can help by promoting the use of the spoiler tag, and reporting spoiler posts without the tags. Also, guess which mod can't afford SCII right now due to moving!! Three guesses!!
The forums are suffering too. I'm getting frequent time outs / mysql connect errors / 500 Internal Server Errors today as guest numbers climb to 500+ As the game gets more players throughout the next few weeks, this site may become unusable. Is there a contingency plan to upgrade the hosting?