I hate Zealots

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by solar00, Oct 6, 2010.

I hate Zealots

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by solar00, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. solar00

    solar00 New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    These relatively cheap units will own almost every T1 and T2 units.
    As terran one smal mistake in the Build order and 80% chance you lose to a Zealot rush.

    And with the charge ability marines, marauders, or Vikings are no match for them.
    Only with reapers + micro skills (which I haven't) you might stand a chance.

    I did make a lot improvement on my macro all together and are almost back at 50 win ratio (was 25) my league rank doesn't tell much because it takes 4 or 5 wins to compensate the points for one loss.

    But now 95% of my losses caused by Zealots (and most of them early rushes)
    Stalkers or Voids are no problem but Zealots....
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  2. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I think..you just need to get better bro. Not trying to be a jerk but it's a legit answer. Zlots ARE hard to deal with if you arn't ready for them, but if you are smart enough it's easy to counter them. Chances are if you kill the zlot rush though you'll be REALLY far ahead of the protoss and most likely win if you don't drag a*s.
  3. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Not that I don't respect your opinion, but I don't think a bronze rank 55 should make those statements :)

    lemme help you thar!
    strat 1) wall up. (i hate doing this , nvr did this in sc1)
    2) stim packs -- the legal drugs!
    3) your gonna have to micro :) practice. its not that hard to move, and shoot! and repeat ^^
    4) reapers. u just answered urself.
    5) hellions. lemme rephrase it. Hell-ya-uns. >=d

    Sigh, I can't imagine having problems with zlots... at least in sc2. in sc1....if i was t or p...those were INSANE. a dozen zlots in 5 minutes...omg. Then I practiced my macro and fended them off :D
  4. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Omfg, zlots were evil in SC1. -.- People sending in 16+ zlots early game. If ya didn't scout you were freaking owned. lol Mines > Zlots. :D
  5. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Takaim, i used to be so pwnage at rushing during the first 2 waves of playing sc.
    my 3rd wav was ridiculously retarded and 4th wave (most recent) sucked anus.
  6. Taerix

    Taerix New Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    One of the easiest ways to defend against Zealots is to see them coming. Like you said they own a lot of early units so you'll need a Bunker to defend against them. If you can get a Factory down make some Hellions, they're quick and can take down Zealots in a hurry with a little attacking and moving micro.
  7. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I HATE MARINES! they are ranged and walk at same speed as my zealots and cost half as much OMGZORS! also they get healed by flying heal bus if only i had something that did good against marines how nice that would be.

    as an aside zealot rushs are strong but have been weakend and as terran you should be able to wall off
  8. Siege Tank

    Siege Tank New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    They don't walk as fast if your zealots have charge. Chargelots are damn scary to be honest, easily the protoss unit I hate facing the most.
  9. solar00

    solar00 New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    A lot of rushers in Bronze are not that good, several times when their rush fails they just surrender.

    But this is what happened yesterday: completely focussed to counter the Zealot rush and warp attempt to warp prism stalkers on my mineral line I forgot to expand early. (counter succeeded this time)
    So I attacked his expansion to compensate for this. (at that time I had 1 expansion and he had 2)
    I scanned and saw a group of stalkers + High Templar guarding the expansion so I send out a group of 20 vikings.
    Attacked his HT + Stalkers which didn't cause a lot of trouble, but then a group of 20 Zlots showed up.
    Still had 15 Vikings left after the first attack so I thought 15 viking must be able to take out 20
    Zlots...big mistake they charged and I was unable to target them correctly.
    I directly send a MM team total of 20 units (50/50) and send 5 reapers out in front to decrease their numbers.
    They charged again, and with charge their speed its equal to the Reapers with nitro.
    Then the MM team reached the Zlots but were raped in a matter of seconds.

    The major mistakes in this match were: If I had expanded a lot earlier, I would be able to replenish the lost units directly (I had 5 starports with reactors and 5 barracks but only 1 factory)
    Forgot to research stim and concussive
    If my MM had stim and concussive they would probably wipe out the Zlots.
    Hellions are tricky if the Zlots are combined with stalkers. + my strategy was based on air+infantry.
    the single factory was only for a few siege tanks for base defense.

    The biggest problem is that I generally know what to do but always forget one of the following in the chaotic heat of battle:
    -Expanding early.>> result big money problems
    -Certain research items. >> result army getting raped when it shouldn't
    -SCV production. >> (can be solved by using mules) result small money problem
    -build supply (this can sometimes be corrected by supply drop) >> result supply blocked
    -Scouting or scanning too late. >> surpised by enemy
    -Adding new structures to existing control groups. >> result idle structures.
    -constantly building units >> result being outnumbered
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  10. solar00

    solar00 New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    A Zealot may cost the same as 2 marines, they also have the same amount of hitpoints as 2 marines and with charge they have the same speed as a reaper with nitro.
    Furthermore they don't need a heal bus since their shields regenerate automatically.(although not as fast)
    They fact that they don't have a ranged attack is compensated by their greater attack damage and you can only take advantage of the ranged attack of marines of your micro is excellent.

    Blizzard increased their build time for a reason.
  11. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    He was probably being ironic. The fact is that vikings aren't good ground units (thankfully). Marine / marauder ball (with slow) owns zealots. Also, banshees.
  12. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Zealots have the speed upgrade but in order to get to it it takes awhile and costs a pretty penny to say the least. The regeneration of the shield only happens when the units arn't in battle for I think 3-5 seconds without attacking or taking damage. And even if they can regen shields...shields get eaten hella quick, that's why you upgrade armor and not shield when you're toss. Besides being obnoxiously expensive it does very little. Back in SC1 you could micro lots with marines, I once watched a guy tear through what must have been 10 zlots with only a small handful of rines because his apm was insane and he could micro like a pro. But, starcraft 2 is set on faster, which is faster than fastest on SC1 making micro more difficult and slip ups much more painful. It's difficult to micro zlots, specially with a small force, and specially since blizzard changed the way fighers view workers. But by the time they have mass zlots with speed upgrades, you should have more than enough to deal with the threat.
  13. Mdawg

    Mdawg New Member

    Oct 2, 2010
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    I think you're overcomplicating things. All the way up to the top of platinum, scouting and good macro will win you most of your games.