on the third mission, there's a tauren marine at north of the map. he gets in a restroom(i assume) when my unit gets near, and the restrom flies when i click it 3 times, showing a message saying "secret found" or something like that. does anyone know what this secret is?
the secret is that you got to see an interstellar port-a-potty. what more do you want??? also, this should probably be in the spoilers section.
I just did this and checked my portraits and didnt see anything unlocked? Anything else i have to do?
I don't know then. I just had seen someone with a tauren marine portrait and thought that you had stumbled upon the way to get it.
i already found taht secret me too and what i saw from that secret is: the restroom he fly with can be see in all space campaign mission. i means you can see itin the background of the map flying from right to left then left to right. i also find some more interestating thing in the campaign. during hte missing you must destroy 3 building who holding information about the relic we seek (sorry dont remeber the mission name) on teh top left of the mpa you can see a sword in a stone. i think its an illusion for the sword named Excalibur in the Legend of Zelda (the video game on SNES). also every one know hte secret mission on hte bottom right of the mission "media blitz" and in the secret mission unlocked in the missions "media Blitz" you can also find a murloc marine. for is location read below. when you reach the compute where you can choose wich reindorcement you want if you walk by the right wall outside the base you will reach a dead end but you will gain an expanded vision and you will be able to see that Murloc Marine adn also if you found the secret in the 3th mission you will se the restroom flying under the rock where hte murloc is. **sorry for my bad english im not verry talented in this language**