I don't think the Terran will "win" in SC2

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Snubble, Sep 14, 2007.

I don't think the Terran will "win" in SC2

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Snubble, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. Snubble

    Snubble New Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Based on what we've seen from the single player walk through, it looks really doubtful that the Terran will be the final campaign you play in SC2. I have a couple of reasons for thinking this. First off, the main theme behind the Terran compaign is going to be building up your army. You complete objectives, get cash, and then spend money on upgrades. It wouldn't make sense for the Terran to be the final race you play because it would mean that Raynor couldn't really make an appearance til the final arc of the story since he doesnt have an army. Secondly, we see the return of Zeratul in the Terran campaign and he tells Raynor about the Xel'naga's return. Raynor clearly doesn't know anything about whats going on with the Xel'naga, which is presumably the main story line of SC2. So it seems pretty doubtful that Raynor hasn't made an appearance at all in the previous 2 campaigns, and is only going to start influencing events in the third and final campaign.

    In SC1 and WC3/FT, the final campaign you play has always been the one that "wins." Its possible that Blizz would reverse this trend but I personally doubt it. They want you to have a hand in the final mission that decides the fate of the Starcraft universe. Its possible that the Terran might team up with the Protoss again or even the Zerg (against the Xel'naga), but I really don't think they'll be the final campaign.

    What do u guys think?

    EDIT: I apologize if this isn't the right forum. I picked it cuz it had to do with Terrans but I realize now maybe it shoulda gone in the story and races section.
  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Humans always get screwed over. Always.

    In alien shows, the aliens always kill all the humans except a couple. In fantasy, the humans always get the worst IE cities destroyed and such. Heck, just look as simply Blizzard.
    Sterilized planets. The Scourge.
  3. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    First they weren't happy humans always won now they aren't happy that everyone dies in the end.

    I actually think it is the Terrans turn since the other two won in SC and BW
  4. Snubble

    Snubble New Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I think theres a pretty good likelyhood that we'll see a WC3 type ending where races band together to fight the Xel'naga or their "single player only hybrid" units. Maybe not Kerrigan though lol.. shes kind of a bitch.
  5. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    Following the previous patterns, I believe we'll start with Zerg, then Protoss and finally Terran.

    This sets things up for a fourth race to make a full appearance finally in the expansion.

    The Zerg campaign will see Kerrigan attempting to manipulate Terran forces and leadership into probing the rebuilding Protoss and emerging Xel'Naga. At some point Kerrigan will decide that the Terrans pose the most significant threat to the Swarm and/or she needs to absorb the Terrans fully into the Swarm to combat the Xel'Naga threat. Kerrigan will focus mainly on trashing the Terrans, who will have rebounded from her previous attacks much better than the Protoss. She will gain information regarding the Xel'Naga, annoy the Protoss and complete her campaign by adding a Terran strain fully into the Swarm.

    The Protoss campaign will see them working to retake Aiur, score some sort of salvo against the Zerg, hunt down the Xel'Naga, and cripple the reforming Terran Dominion. They will partially damage the Terran forces - which combined with Kerrigans attacks will put the Terrans on the brink of extinction, probably gain more info about the Xel'Naga and end the campaign with retaking Aiur.

    The Terran campaign will find the human forces in desperate need of leadership and reinforcement. Their goals will be to destroy Kerrigan, convince the Protoss to leave them alone, and find out what exactly is going on with the Xel'Naga. When you start, the Terrans will practically have no large forces or government in charge. Thus, the Jim Raynor acting as a mercenary mechanism while he tries to rally Terran forces and build a Terran base. Raynor will succeed in these endeavors and convince the various disparate Terran factions of the need to form together under a single banner. Given his reputation with the Protoss he will also convince them of the need to cease all attacks against Terran occupied worlds and assist in finding out about the Xel'Naga followed by a definitive strike against Kerrigan. The game will end with Raynor finally having Kerrigan at his mercy and making the difficult choice to slay her.

    The Terrans and Protoss will both be in good positions at the end, with the Zerg in a bit of a shock - however the Zerg will not be in horrible shape, as the new Terran strain will provide their new leadership.
  6. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Awesome! Zergs, Protoss, Terrans...together the join forces to defeat the Xel'Naga! like Wc3, well said Snubble... for you are a Wc3 fanboy.... jokes but it i think its the Terrans turn to win but they are with the Protoss so both of them might win the third round

    Terran/Protoss:1-1:Zerg so far...damn the Zergs are so dominant
  7. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    maybe the terran are not seen as a threat by zerg or protoss so they kinda kill eachother then the terran come in and kills both of em then when all sides have suffered severe losses the xel'naga come in like "zup" and tries to kill all etc etc

    thats my 2cent anyway
  8. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    @ NateSMZ , I'd love for you to explain how Blizzard could POSSIBLY include a fourth race as playable in an expansion pack.

    I've read numerous articles on how it is nearly impossible to balance four distinct and different races. It's simply too time consuming and it doesn't come out as a polished product.

    This is why WC3 has 4 races that are pretty much the same. Sure the unit names are different and a few of the abilities vary, but on the whole all four races are pretty much equivalent both in number and strength.

    Footman = Grunt = Undead Guy = Night Elf

    They are pretty much the same.
  9. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Well i dont think terrans will be as easily run over as in sc1, they have rebuilt and gotten better technology, protoss hasent really done any progress, expect brining in some OLD units.
  10. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    @ Joneagle_X: Well I'm not Blizzard, but they themselves have often remarked that they want to include the Xel'Naga, or a fourth race. I remember them talking about considering making the Earth forces different from the native Starcraft Terrans, etc... So I think we are sooner or later going to see a fourth race make a debut. Will it be difficult? Sure. But has Blizzard done difficult things before? Yes. I think the development team will at least enter the expansion making phase with the intent of making four races work. It's not like they won't have plenty of time to try... Blizzard never pushes the deadlines before the gameplay. If they just can't get it to work, we'll prolly have to wait for StarCraft III to see a fourth race. But I'm pretty sure they'll try to do it in the expansion at first.
  11. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    STOP (hammer time) When did they say they wanted a 4th race
  12. Quanta

    Quanta New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Terran are obviously going to be the first race played in the campaign. Since I assume the "good guys" are supposed to win in SC2 the Zerg will be second and the Protoss+Raynor's men will be last. It will be just how it was in SC1. You play the Terran to learn about the problem. You play the Zerg to develope it. Then, you play the Toss to solve it. Since the Protoss aren't seaking the destruction of the Terran, the Protoss winning isn't the Terran losing, especially since your going to have Raynor and his boys helping Zeratul.
  13. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    While I agree that it's likely that the terrans are first again but I don't agree that it means that terrans won't "win". We don't know what the folks at Blizzard are planning so anything could happen.

    Personally so long as the Zerg are defeated and/or utterly crushed I'll consider it a win.
  14. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    The terran campaign will probably be the first. It will help players get a good ideea about the whole plot and the future actions/decisions he will have to take. Also why do you all think that xel'naga are going to destroy everything. They were a demiurg specie that created bouth protoss and zerg not the 'world eaters' everyone makes them. The zerg might have destroyed most of them but i doubt a specie of such great culture and enlightment would purge everything in it's way just to get the swarm fu..t up. Yes they will probably be angry and they will have something to share with the zerg but that's about it. They will probably want to destroy only the zerg and in doing so they will maybe purge the whole koprulu sistem so basicly that would be the only problem. But not all the races in the universe. I've seen the single player trailler but it's to little detail and to much assumetion about their wrath. There could even be o posibility that the xel'naga are divided into 2 factions - one that wishes to destroy all and one that wishes to continuu with the old ways - the hybrids could be the weapon of the first one. The protoss campaign would probably be the second and would bring the fight against those abomination hybrids and the search for duran and also zeratul's search for more answers - the scene where he fights kerrigan :) . While the zerg campaign would probably be the last as kerrigan tries to defend the swarm against duran and the hybrids and will make connection with the arrival of the xel'naga and the addon (i'm 150% sure it will be at least one).
  15. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Original: Terran, Zerg, Protoss
    Brood War: Protoss, Terran, Zerg
    Starcraft 2: Zerg, Protoss, Terran

    While Blizzard may not finish off the rotation, I believe that Terran will be last and victorious.
  16. carousel

    carousel New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    If they are going for accessibility, I believe they would still put Terran first as their play mechanics are *arguably* easier to pick up. With all the changes being made to the way the campaign works, I'd be surprised if it even unfolds as playing one race soild then moving onto the next. Personally I dont like the way they did it before, basically whoever went last was going to win - it just gave the whole thing away from the word go. Halo 2's campaign missions had you alternate from side to side, something that wouldnt be out the question here (im aware thats not even an RTS - just the first thing that came to mind).

    Even if you did play the 3 races solid one after the other, it would be nice for a '4th' chapter where you return to play one race and finish the story. The 4th chapter not revealing which race it is until the end that is...
  17. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    terran ftw. but i think mengks will die. raynor will be victorious. valerian will join the xelnaga or lead the dominion. kerrigan dies. raynor may become a protoss citizen and live in aiur. at the end the UED will come as the new terran or a new race.

    5 race in sc2 expansion ftw! ued and xelnaga.
  18. kenshin72

    kenshin72 New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    hmm new races i think its only good in campaign as long as its not in multiplayer its fine to me and thank god no heroes because this will be only become WC in space
  19. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    The way they did it in C&C3 was where the campaigns were not linear. GDI and Nod were playable in whichever order you wanted and each had a piece of ONE story an Nod mission would be related to a GDI one but both stories took place concurrently so you could get the basic story from playing one campaign but only got the whole after playing the others and seeing the war from their point of view.

    I would actually like it if they did the 3 concurrent stories for SC2 because you get to see the WHOLE story from everyone's perspective. The story could benifit from that. Wouldn't you like to know what the rise of Kerrigan in the Zerg campaign was like from the Terran point of view or the Protoss's point of view? Another thing to note is that the winning isn't exclusive to one race that way as each campaign will end with that race meeting their overall objectives.
  20. NateSMZ

    NateSMZ New Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    iunno, and I'm too lazy to go find a quote - but they've remarked several times in interviews about thinking about, or starting to include a 4th race and stopping their efforts after they decided it was too difficult to balance in a timely manner...