CHARGE! NEver GIve UP NEvre SUrender! Yeah dude that happened to me. In case any of you were curious, scabs taste bad. If you were planning on starting a scab fetish, bad idea mate. I've been tasting tonsil; scabs all day, its nasty.
Yea thats an appropriate response. If a mother f****r can get turned on by tentacles, scabs can do it too. ..sick b***** offense if either of those things are someones fettish.
Actually, Shokushu Goukan developed because of Japanese censorship. You couldn't show the naughty bits, so artists started developing ways to get around it. That said, the entire rape aspect of it is a little disturbing. But, whatever floats your boat, I guess. Now this Scab thing? No, nevermind, I don't want to know.