I cant seem to wonder how hydras only get there bonus damage versus air it seems strange to me so change it to everything but decrease there damage the do to like 14. Also I think because of their cost increase they should increase their health a bit possibly to like 110 or 120. possible make the original cost of the hydras for roaches now makeing them 75/25 versus 100 minerals Stalkers being the main ground source of damage versus air for protoss should get there damage versus armored units increased to like 18 or at least do that or like 20 damage versus air units (because of there slow attack time compared to the hydra) giving them 14 damage versus ground and 20 versus air and also give them like 20 more shield (or not). Marauders should get a decrease in range from 6 to 4 mainly because this would enhance the marines use as a more primary range plus this would balance the marauder better that or lower the damage because right now they do 20 (I would make it 16). mutalisk always in my mind costed way too much i would lower there cost by like 25% atleast. just some thoughts because some stats are old and need a boost with the new mechanics and units
I think if Hydras were tougher and did more damage against ground, a roach + hydra army would be too powerful. A 20hp increase though, without a damage change, might be a good idea.
also remember protoss are expensive and powerful zerg are cheap and numerous terran are in the middle
you just mention the relative logic of how those race must be balanced in their health, range, armor, etc .... and costs. this is normally how the balance must be respected.
That was the original gist of how things where originally placed for example hydras and dragoons had about the same dps (hydras did half damage but attacked twice as fast) but dragoons costs more and had more health versus hydras which costs less but had less health (this is just a example). Personally i would like to see roaches and mutalisk cost less (they dont justify there cost atm and the way things are their going to be alot harder to use), stalkers a bit stronger (atleast versus air) and marauders given more of a melee roll (in terms of reduced range to like 4) because of how its taking the place of the firebat. Maybe im thinking too simple but still each race has spaces that each unit must fill.
The Marauder isn't taking the place of the firebat, it's an anti-armor unit. The Hellion is the closest to the firebat because it has a nearly identical attack, even though it got moved up to the factory.
Every suggestion here seems to be related directly to the balance of the game, which we're in absolutely no position to judge. Seriously, the damage, health, bonuses, shields, attack rate, attack range, cost, etc, of all units needs to be balanced through fine-tuning, and not through random stabs in the dark. A few more points: Apart from what I just mentioned, increasing the Stalker's attack bonus against Armoured units does almost nothing to promote an Anti-Air role. On top of that, because either its base damage would naturally have to be reduced or its cost increased, it would actually become far worse off against Air, especially against Zerg, whose Mutalisks would not be affected by the bonus. As for simply making them stronger because they're Protoss, they're actually part of the Dark Templar faction, which are, in comparison, much more fragile. The Marauder is simply not a replacement for the Firebat. It does not share even a remotely similar attack, nor role. It is designed to counter Armoured units, and kite others. Reducing the range of the Marauder to less than that of the Marine's is, in all seriousness, laughable. It's like having a tranquilliser gun with a range of half a centimetre. As for reducing the cost of Mutalisks and Roaches, I seriously don't know where you come off suggesting stuff like this. What are you actually basing it on? On top of that, it would obviously result in far more being made, which would simply mean they'd have to be nerfed. And lastly, just a question, what mechanics are you actually boosting here? The only impact your suggestions seem to make on mechanics is on the Marauder's slowing mechanic, which you've only hindered.