all you dreamers. Everyone who's experienced dèjá vu or a chill in an empty room. everyone who's ever felt someone walking over their grave. You human race, awake or asleep. Think with us. above us is death. But it's a stupid fearfull death. And it's afraid of us. It's scared of us because we make things. Because we love. Because we imagine. Because we wonder what's next It cannot get close to us because our humanity makes it afraid Give us your thoughts. Think of making things. Think of who you love. Your ideas, your fantasies, your ambitions. Each of those thoughts is a bullet And we have the gun
i'd like to know as well meanwhile, enjoy this epic bleach theme [youtube]uYbU1GC8OVE[/youtube] although the shorter tv version is somehow slightly more epic [youtube]qw7Vno4v0qo[/youtube]
Both are pretty good, but no. [youtube]mtoyNcp80Ow[/youtube] Yes, me and my strange fascination by digimon again.
anyway, the opening quote is from the ultimate galactus trilogy, probably one of marvel's best stories. Its step one of a two step plan, Spoiler step 1: organize a mental assault against an alien onslaught that devoured a thousand worlds because of how repulsed it is by the mere notion of life. step 2: create a new universe, fire the resulting big bang at the alien onslaught that devoured a thousand worlds because of how repulsed it is by the mere notion of life.
Actually, they probably spent most of their budget (which was enough to give every person on earth solid gold underwear). So step 4 would be economic revitalization