How will it end or hope it will end?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Lucratus, May 12, 2009.

How will it end or hope it will end?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Lucratus, May 12, 2009.

  1. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    I would just like to see what people would like to see happen in SC2, or think will happen...
    Nothin pervy, and don't overanalyze the topic( .....aurora) just show people what you think!

    Personally i see the protoss leaving the system with their remaining pop. and searching for a more peaceful existence. The terrans staying behind but trying to reattach themselves as a part of the Earth ( empire or whatever.). And the zerg elimanated.....thats it...... just elimanated.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2009
  2. ZelashOculah

    ZelashOculah New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Over There
    I think that the zerg would kill the protoss off and the terran or I hope the zerg will be dead but the terran, try to get home (they might attack it) or the prtosss go back to aiur and live in peace. or another race will show it's (possibly) ugly face like the zerg did.
  3. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    Another race popping up would be cool!
  4. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    The Dominion and Earth reopen diplomatic relations (although stressful and dangerous ones while colonizing their respective systems), the Swarm is hunted to the verge of extintion, and kerrigan is left to lick her wounds much like artuctus mengsk after the brood war, the protoss are able to return to Aiur, to try to rebuild their civilization, and Jim Raynor moves off with them, tired of the foolness of mankind
  5. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    Yes, Yes! Keep em' comin people!
  6. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Zeratul arrives at Shakuras to warn the protoss of the hybrid invasion. However, the hybrids have already started attacking, or Zeratul didn't arrive soon enough. Due to his disappearance, the other protoss don't believe him until too late.

    The protoss (and Raynor?) fight the hybrids and it seems like things aren't going too badly, when another type of hybrid appears (Ulrezaj's hybrids?) which are weaker individually but are still contributing numbers to the hybrid force.

    Meanwhile the hybrids are also attacking the zerg (in revenge for what they did to the xel'naga) forcing Kerrigan into an alliance of convenience.

    The grand alliance wins. However, the protoss were ready for Kerrigan's treachery this time, and inflict a huge defeat on her at some critical moment. Despite her fall (or deinfestation, or death) her child by Ethan Stewart is still alive, and takes over the Swarm. The defeated Swarm is forced to hide until it can grow large enough to take on the protoss again.

    Was that too detailed?
  7. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    No my good sir that was excellent!
  8. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    A new coup de etat in the Dominion, some general assumes charge, and signs a temporary peace with Raynor and the protoss, in order to contribute to their war effort against the zerg, fearing a massive Zerg offensive with even more troops, the coalition launches an all out attack against Char, crushing most of kerrigan´s swarms on the system and besieging her personal fortress, during this, Duran arrives with reinforcements, and manages to evacuate kerrigan.

    Dominion forces are unsure of the outcome of the battle and retreat into hyperspace, leaving Raynor and the protoss to fight all the remaining zerg back, and with the tide of the battle turning against them, they are forced to flee char, with some zerg in hot pursuit. As this happens, Kerrigan reorganizes the Swarm and while Duran disappears again without giving explanations she launchs a full attack against the Dominion, which due to a lack of zerg reserves can stop the attack and force the zerg into retreating.

    While the Queen of blades and her remaining broods retreat into safety, the Dominion Armada looms on the protoss borders, standing menacing...
  9. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    Wow that is a storyteller, right there!
  10. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    thanks, I can go on all day with small stories like that, tons of possible endings if you consider the probabilities and characters of starcraft, the number of factions and locations can make it pretty interesting.
  11. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    You tell a good story. got to hand to you, i may have enjoyed reading that almost as much as reading the history of all three races.
  12. DomeX

    DomeX Guest

    Kerrigan will kick everyone's ass.
  13. Pichu Sensei

    Pichu Sensei Guest

    The Humans will win. By humans, I mean forces from Earth and all that.

    Once the zerg have taken out most of the Dominion and Protoss, the UED will come and blow them away. Since the three are busy fighting, the UED has been sitting back and out, doing what? Studying the Zerg and Protoss. For sure they have bodies of dead zerg as demonstrated in the Brood War cinematic, they quite simply engineer a virus that mutates as well as the zerg do, thus keeping their population in check. With the zergs greatest asset, numbers, down, bam! Another Psi Disruptor is set in place, starting to take control over most of Kerrigans already dying and diseased army. This time, no Duran to come and screw things up. From that it's a downhill battle for the zerg, disease and fractions of zerg forcefully defecting to the UED, they have no hope. It is at this time that the key part in the war is played, killing kerrigan. with most of her forces dead, she'd no doubt be bunkered on char hiding. The Humans can take their sweet time pounding the planet into a pulp with orbital bombardment. With no leader to control the Zerg, the UED's psi disruptor takes total control, thus spelling the doom for the protoss.

    Eliminating the protoss would be quite simple, already decimated by their losses in the sector from Kerrigans zerg, they have little troops to defend themselves from the massive UED army along with the controlled zerg pets. Once put down I bet there would be a few left, but nothing large.

    To summarize, the UED completely pwned EVERYONE in Brood War without prior knowledge of their enemies. It was through luck that they were taken out, but they'll be back, and prepared with all that Humanity has to offer.
  14. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    Nice......very nice.:cool:
  15. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I believe it will be the protoss who will defeat the swarm. Knowing them, they have been working a black hole generator capable of opening large enough hole to swallow entire planets instead of a couple ships. However, after every use the generator must have a large cool down time because, well lets face it, it takes a lot of energy to create a black hole. During this time, a main UED battle fleet shall enter the system and subjugate the remainder of the dominion. Then the UED will begin targeting known protoss bases in the galaxy, until finally they reach Shurkuras, sp?, and begin their final assault upon the last protoss haven.

    I'll have more upon this idea in a bit.
  16. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    Dunno that, the Protoss are too low on resources to build such superweapons, and hell, then why the Dominion doesn´t build Interplanetary Ballistic missiles armed with hundreds of massive nuclear warheads and nuke the hell out of everyone?
  17. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    This game will end depending on the success or failure of this sequel especially being as an e-sport... coz that will be its ultimate proof of being a game that is to last a decade... so its upto us to support sc2 so dont go for piracy.. be a professional and do what is right....

    In the next ten years if it will be 2020 or below that year when/if they make part 3, i will still be playing starcraft!!! hell yeah, even my kid or my grandkid would follow through the legend hahahaha im being ridiculous but i believe its not only me who ever thought if this.... its not madness...

  18. Lucratus

    Lucratus Guest

    My kids better play it or I'll never have them.........

    Makes sense.....right?
  19. perfey

    perfey New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    After four long years the Zerg with Kerrigan in the lead attacks the Dominion and UED all out and forces them to retreat all the way to the Protoss homeworld Shakuras. There they gather their forces and makes a grand alliance with the Protoss. With Shakuras as their last outpost the united Terran and Protoss forces fight with all they can to try to prevent the Zerg from wiping them all out.

    What the Zerg doesn't know is that Zeratul with his mighty ship, have gathered a big force of far away exile Protoss tribes, and that they are traveling at fast speed to catch up with the Zerg and attack them in the back.

    Raynor, who have been hiding on Hyperion on a hidden planet, decides that its time to act. He contacts Zeratul and makes a pact. They should wipe out the Zerg forces, but they must prevent the UED and Dominion forces to kill Kerrigan, whom he wants to capture and make sweet love to. Zeratul doesn't accept that and ask Raynor to get rid of his childish behavior. Despite that he agree on that they not should kill her but instead try to convince her to not wipe out the protoss on Shakuras but continue the attack on the Terran forces that Raynor doesn't want anything to do with.

    "They are just a bunch of fools that think they can capture me!, the biggest freedom fighter in the galaxy!"

    In secret Zeratul thinks that Raynor has got a little bit crazy but he doesn't let it out.

    Shakuras is now totally surrounded by Zerg forces but they don't get through the shield that the Protoss have made around the planet. Its now that Zeratul and Raynor arrives with their big army of exile protoss forces. Kerrigan who didn't expect them, shifts now focus on the new combatants. The main part of the Zerg army now attacks the new enemies. The shield around Shakuras disappears and the united Protoss/Terran forces attacks the threatened Zerg. Locked in a two front battle Kerrigan now fights a desperate fight to survive.

    Zeratul's ship and Hyperion together with a lot of Carriers surrounds Kerrigan in her big, heavily defended, Overlord and sets their plan in motion. Raynor takes his fastest ship, flies with great speed through the big meaty Overlord and succeeds to make it into the the heart of it where Kerrigan sits on her big slimy throne. With his ship crash landed in front of her, he gets out of the ship and stand in front of her.

    "Well, well, well, you finally made it here. Now, what should I do with you?, hmm" Kerrigan says slowly.
    "Hehe, well, I know what I want to do with you!" Jim laughs out and paralyzes her with the gun he got by Zeratul. With her paralyzed he contacts Zeratul who "beams" him back into the Hyperion. There Raynor de-paralyzes Kerrigan and puts her into a cage.

    "What do you want from me?!" Kerrigan shouts angrily and tries breaking the cage into a thousands of pieces. "I want you back to your normal state before you got infested by the Cerebrates and the Overmind" says Raynor and fills the glass cage with a green liquid that de-infests her. Naked and unharmed Kerrigan begins to scream, she doesn't remember anything after the infestation.

    Now, up to speculation!, what happens next?, I'm to tired to finish it : P
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  20. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    The Ganthritor was tassadar´s carrier, which was destroyed during the battle of the first overmind.