how to use ghosts effectively

Discussion in 'Terran' started by tankor, Sep 22, 2010.

how to use ghosts effectively

Discussion in 'Terran' started by tankor, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. tankor

    tankor New Member

    Sep 4, 2010
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    I'm getting pretty good at SC2.

    1 unit I rarely use is ghosts though. I just find it hard to use there abilities when
    there's these huge battles going on & I feel its more important to make sure & focus fire
    or set up siege tanks than use ghosts.

    Anyone use ghosts effectively? Are they kinda useless against the zerg cause there EMP thing
    doesn't work?
  2. cybykillers

    cybykillers New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    EMP can take care of those nasty infestors that destroy terran mech and infantry builds. hope this helps
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    You can also snipe them, since a dead infestor is better than an energy less infestor, quite micro-intensive though.
  4. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    In TvZ you want Ghosts to counter the Infestors. That's about it. So when I get ghosts (because I see an Infestor Den) I also tech a couple nukes. I'll launch those babies just to keep his choke at bay while I take out his expansion. I don't even bother getting cloak.

    That 100/100 is worth it just so I can have that extra 10 seconds to kill off his expansion and make sure his drones can't escape.

    Late game Ghosts can also contribute by sniping Ultralisks (Snipe ignores armor so you get 45 damage regardless) which can help some, and they're somewhat good against Mutalisks. Snipe helps and they also do +17 damage against Light which would be Mutas. So consequently Ghosts aren't all that bad against Zerglings or Hydralisks either, though I wouldn't suggest massing Ghosts. :D

    I've also used it in defense, I leave a single ghost in my base. He can snipe an incoming Nydus Canal or if he's too late I can drop a nuke on it. The build time for the Nydus Canal is eerily the same as the time it takes the Nuke to drop. If you time it just right it'll land just as all of his units come out. GG.

    This is all Diamond level advice, b-t-dubs.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  5. tankor

    tankor New Member

    Sep 4, 2010
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    that was kinda my point. It seems very difficult to use the ghosts, to the point
    that they aren't that effective. The micro skills required seems very high to use
    things like snipe. When I try to use them it seems to take away from something else.

    Anyone ever hide a ghost in another base & just snipe off workers. Could that work. they
    1 shot workers right?
  6. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    You could try that but the guy's gonna notice.... Not going to be worth your 150/150 if he catches you after only two drones. Better to land a nuke when he's not expecting it than blow your cover (now he knows you're going Ghosts) by killing two or three drones.

    And if you can't manage to micro snipe you're better off trying another strategy in a lower league because there's a point at which intense micro becomes required to win in addition to good macro habits.
  7. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    ^^ and this is why ima go ahead and lose all my placement matches just to start from the beginning/bronze whatever :)

    lovin the emp for ghost, snipe i wish had a little more range

    no lie but with all the action going around its hard to find the ghost you wanna use..i guess thats where control groups come in

    btw, eagle you think you can post something about control groups? i always tend to have trouble with what to group with what; my whole main in one group with all casters (based on unit) in another not sure though if this is even right....
  8. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I can try... gonna be a week or so before I have time for more articles :-\
  9. tankor

    tankor New Member

    Sep 4, 2010
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    I second that... I would like to read an article about control groups.

    maybe there's some tips I can learn to make it all easier.

    What I was trying today that didn't work was having a large army in group 1 including the ghosts, and then
    have the ghosts separate in group 2. So I would do the EMP with group 2 and select group 1 again. The problem is that when I go back to 1, cause the ghosts were in that group too, the default hotkeys for abilities is on the ghosts as well, and what I want is stimpack.

    Is there a way to configure a control group so that if I hit the # for that group, I can decide which unit is first
    in the bottom right with there abilities, cause whenever I make a MM group with ghosts, when I select that group, the snipers actions appear 1st, and I have to tab to get to stimpack.
  10. Geritul

    Geritul Guest

    Tankor, sounds like the TAB key is what you are talking about.

    If you have several units control-grouped and they all have different abilities, you can push TAB to cycle through which unit has their abilities available on the command card. You can also group different buildings together in one control group and use TAB to cycle through their production options. So you can have a barracks, a factory, and a starport all in one control group and be able to build any unit from any of them by using TAB.

    Edit - Nevermind, I just reread your post and understood what you are asking. I don't know if there is a way to do what you want though. Might be best to leave the Ghosts out of your big army control-group and just move them seperately.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2010
  11. cybykillers

    cybykillers New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    maybe you should get used to this: click 2, snipe/emp/nuke, click 1, press tab real fast, press t for stimpack