Hey guys how do i increase my APM and does anyone have a list to the macros to help me out?i mean a list to the shortcut of all the buildings etc.
they are listed on the building menu, also in game under option>keyboard where you change the settings. changing apm shouldn't be an arbitrary thing, what you have is fine unless you find yourself losing because you cant get things done fast enough
One tip is to toggle through all your control groups, in particular your buildings. I don't mean spam-toggle as fast as you can, I just mean deliberately toggling through them all the time so that you're constantly aware if a building is on cool-down or producing. It helps you build up awareness of the timing of unit-production and gets you into a rhythm so that your APM doesn't drastically drop when you're micro-ing.
Increasing APM should be a side-effect of doing a lot of stuff, not your goal. Some people click tons and tons and listen to the words "Not enough minerals" over and over just to get up their APM, without doing anything more than someone with less APM. If you're not macroing fast enough, put all your unit-making buildings in control groups and get in the habbit of queing units, even SCVs, throughout the entire match. If you're not micro-ing your units well enough... I guess just practice.
In my replays I usually have an average of 20 APM for the first while from just managing in my base. In fights, it really spikes up to 100 - 150. Around the midgame I'm always sitting around 40 APM through moving troops/constructing/upgrading/blah blah blah. You really don't need to have that much. Just be aware in-game, and high APM will come naturally through your reactions and good plays.
Forget about APM yo. It will increase with experience and learned multi-tasking skills. Besides APM does not equal the greater player. A person who has an APM of 150 can lose to someone who is in high 90's.