so i have played about 5-6 games in a row where my enemy is protoss and he two gates he saves up for like 10 zealots and pushes out and he can get them out super quick i scout it on super early i throw up spine crawlers get lings/roaches and all standard protocol, i found that roaches are no longer a hard counter to zealots because zealots move as fast if not a little faster then roaches off creep i can usually fend off the zealots but by that time he has like 10-15 stalkers making my 7-8 roaches useless during this he usually also quick expands or goes void rays or dt's it is a nightmare i am looking for are specific builds for a 2 gate i am not a noob i know how do deal with rushes it just seems that alot of people have lately just been choosing protoss and 2 gate-ing
Shouldn't the noob be the person who can't counter something and throws a tantrum? Anyway. I would opt for banelings since you already have zerglings, plus you can save on ovies and units, so you could put down some crawlers or boost your economy.
a 2 gat2 should not be a problem to stop. plus it puts your opponent so far back economy wise that if you stop his initial rush you should win easily. all you have to do is build one crawler maybe two if you feel like it. have your queen out and have a few lings maybe even speedlings. your lings with queen at range and crawler should stop it plus you can always use your drones to help defend. even if you do lose a few drones you'll still be fine because he lost so much economy going for an early rush.
Lol, why do you say yous hould be in diamond league and that you're not a noob but you say that the 2 gate-ing people(That beat you) are noobs? I won't tell you how I call that kind of post.
Holy hamburgers, that's one long run-on sentence. In fact, it doesn't even have an end! Anyway, roaches do fine against zealots. You just have to use them properly (utilizing grass and ramps). Don't be afraid to make more than 1 spinecrawler as well. I like the number 4. I would then tech to mutas ASAP since he lacks a lot of AA due to all the money/time he has wasted. But if you prefer ground units, you can also use a nydus worm if he's walled off.
Yes, and 10-12 zealots alone shouldn't be too scary. Utilize the ramp, bottle neck the zealots so they don't surround your roaches. If it's an open field, kite/micro your roaches. By the time he has 10-12 zealots, you should have a sizable force yourself (if you scouted). When stalkers are expected to come, you can use speedlings to flank from behind and prevent them from kiting you. I usually have 3 queens (1 per hatch, one to help spread creep). Those 3 should be able to fend off some voids in early game since voids are expensive. Then from there, you can tech to w/e you think is necessary depending on what your opponent does. But hey that's what I'd do. Feel free to dislike that approach and wait for someone else to reply as well.
Why so high ego? Sorry but from your language alone I can only assume you're a noob. I guess there are pros out there with a... special vocabulary. (Not sure I spelled that one right. Mine's not perfect either ) Anyway. 10-12 Zealots? are you serious? They're not hard to stop. As someone mentioned, 4 Spine Crawlers will rip them to shreds and send them back to moma. Tbh, 2 Spine Crawlers + a few Roaches will do the trick, if you're on defense you're on creep and your Roaches will be fast enough to kite, and if they follow them, the Spine Crawlers will attack. If they attack the Spine Crawlers, by the time they're down the Zealot army will be reduced to way less than a handful. And if the Protoss player continues geting Zealots, say gets Charge even, Banelings will rip them to shreds - just get enough of them.
cocky bastard. you aren't that great. Give me one roach with speed upgrade on creep and I'll take out all 12. If you want help, ask for it politely. Calling yourself better than those who are trying to help you is a sure way to get them to stop helping you.
I just have respect for people unless they prove they don't deserve that. You lost yours pretty quickly by acting like you're the best player in the world against every possible strategy besides 2gate, which is literally mechanically impossible within the game to beat. ^ for you, sir doctor professor chicken