Who knows, there is still Zerg. All you have to do is count it from the official Starcraft2 site, and guess for Zerg, or just wait until they all come out. Also this is a pointless topic.
Many people, including me, think there will be about 14-16 units per race. However, there will most likely be the same amount of units for all three races.
we will probably end up seeing that there are a couple more for each race, with potentially the zerg having more units then the other two (with niche units for support).
Since the search function is not up yet (or I can't find it on the new layout), I can't link you guys to previous post I made on the subject. But here is a new estimation: Original Starcraft - Terrans had thirteen units, Zerg had fifteen (including Larva), and Protoss had fourteen units. Starcraft II - Protoss have twelve units officially released on the website, with two other pretty much guarantees (High Templar and Probe) and one other unknown unit (Stasis Orb/Star Relic/Whatever). Total is fifteen. Terrans have nine officially released units, with Medic, SCV, and Dropship missing and two unknown units (Firebat/Factory Spot and maybe an air unit spot). Total here is fourteen. Based on this data and the fact that Blizzard said they plan to keep the unit total approximately the same, I predict a Protoss unit total of fifteen, a Terran unit total of fourteen, and a Zerg unit total of sixteen (again including Larva).