How does Zerg beat Protoss late in the game?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by ThumperSD, May 21, 2010.

How does Zerg beat Protoss late in the game?

  1. ThumperSD

    ThumperSD New Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Zerg can go mass hydras or roaches and all Protoss needs is enough stalkers and 3-5 colossus. Colossus fries the entire Zerg army. Even if Zerg makes air, stalkers own the mutas. If Zerg makes brood lords, the Colossus fries the little thingies (wtf are they called) and Stalkers finish off the Broodlings.

    How are you supposed to counter Stalkers/Colossus late in the game with Zerg? Are infestors good against colossus? How do infestors work because I've never used them.
    Last edited: May 21, 2010
  2. Galaxy.ein

    Galaxy.ein New Member

    May 3, 2010
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    against Stalkers/Colos
    corruptors are good late game
    Menace says:
    actually it depends, ive seen a few different variations on how to handle stalker/colo
    Keegan says:
    Menace says:
    well the classic way is your normalroach/hydra ball and 4-6 corruptors to snipe colos
    and the other way is getting alot more roachs and using tunneliing claws to pop up and snipe colos after your primary force engages
    Keegan says:
    what about
    larger group of corruptors like
    12 or something
    would that be feasible?
    Menace says:
    so your going to spend 1200/1200 to kill a few colos....what about his stalkers? you wont have enough ground forces to kill them if you have that many corrupters
    Keegan says:
    i mean against like
    6+ colos
    or something
    like late game
    often times they get like 6-12 colos
    Menace says:
    lol youd really sit and let them get that many colos?
    Keegan says:
    zerg sitting for protoss what the ****?
    protoss sits for zerg
    Menace says:
    by that time you should have broodlords

    Also I'd like to add two things:
    Simply harrassing Protoss with drops and flanks could win you the game. Numbers is Zerg's primary strength.
    Also take note of the new overseer ability to corrupt buildings for 30 seconds. You could use that against robos while harrassing with drops.

    So you should be okay if you just play well and macro well.
  3. ThumperSD

    ThumperSD New Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Even with corrupters I see Protoss being heavily favored

    Drops don't work too well against toss anymore since you can warp in units by a pylon anywhere. There was on game I played where some guy sent a massive line of hydras. I didnt realize how many hydras he had until I watched the replay but the line took almost the whole map. My colossus/stalker wiped them all out and I barely lost any units.

    I think colossus is way too powerful against zerg and terran bio
  4. Galaxy.ein

    Galaxy.ein New Member

    May 3, 2010
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    Always flank the Protoss player. Attack from as many sides as possible.

    A few warped in units won't stop a good drop. They'll have to send their army back and that buys you time.

    In the end you have to out produce. Harass, delay, flank, micro, macro.

    I don't progamers.
  5. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    I just lost to colossus this morning :)
    He completely owned my hydra/baneling combo that I was able to use to stop him until that moment. By the time I had an infestor with mind control the game was practically over :(

    After that I lost mid game to high templars. Funny thing, I was winning that fight and pushing his base, and managed twice to break through. As soon as he got 4 templats my roach/hydra ball was dead with really no chance to survive.
    Last edited: May 21, 2010
  6. Alasdair

    Alasdair New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    if i could give a suggestion as to where to look for help, you should watch this series of Idra vs NonY

    Idra makes great use of focus fire and placement with his hydras, and all three matches show brilliant Zerg macro as well as micro.
  7. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    broodlods beat the hell outa stalkers as they cause them to be unable to move if you combowith flanking corupters to kill collosus, the broodlings wil rip apart stalkers.
  8. Arc

    Arc New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    uber late game 200/200? easy, mass broodlords about 20 or more depends on you, mass hydras(with emphasis on mass) with mixed in roaches (if you want), preferrably get ultras, you'll just need them to soak up damage coz most players would FF ultras and about 2-4 infestors, done deal without much problem bring overseers obviously, don't mind with the banelings on protoss, late game toss army are mostly immortals some sentries, stalkers mixed in with some zealots and carriers/collosi, HTs and dark temps

    mind control carriers/collosi, fungal growth on everything else esp. HTs, by the time the spreaded fungal growth is done, broodlings and hydras dps would've decimated all, just remember to micro infestors (don't forget this) or you'll die in 10 secs, infestors are the key

    zerg will have superior micro here because of the infestors, if you're a pro you can prolly frenzy the hydras as well

    toss will have to manually target because of the broodlings from the bulk of broodlords
    Last edited: May 23, 2010
  9. W4LLY

    W4LLY New Member

    May 24, 2010
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    Drops don't generally work on me...

    In one game, this guy built a mass army of just ground units (toss). I had a tech'd army of Voids and Carriers. I basically sacrificed my own base and let him destroy it. While I only had 1 expansion, and he had expanded all over the map, I systematically pwn'd his forces, and ended up winning the game even though I didn't have any buildings left.

    So, it can bring up the question of what I was always taught; the best offense is the best defense.

    I haven't played the new Zerg at all, so I'm not sure the best way to counter colosus. I think banelings (if that's what the exploading dudes are called) can work
  10. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Just get tons of mutalisks if you are having problems with colossi. Then later you can get brood lords if they persist with a ground army.
  11. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    brood lord, mind control, fungal growth. roaches in general make decent tanks if he doesn't have immortals in the mix.
  12. Glaurung

    Glaurung New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Your base.
  13. BTNHfan99

    BTNHfan99 New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    my method of playing against a protoss is pretty basic. CONTAIN!
    one thing you need to know about toss is that the form of early - early to mid game gameplay is the same. its army will consist of mainly zlots and stalkers. and every now and then you will find the humorous void ray rush.
    so with that in mind, its wise to always sacrifice an overlord into the protoss base about 7 minutes into the game to see what you are dealing with and how big of a force you're opponent has so you can identify weather to attack or not. you want to avoid going into late game vs a toss.

    first of start of with a build similar to this. this is one of my favorite roach rushes.
    10 ol
    13 pool
    15 gas
    14 drone
    15 ol
    15 drone
    -Queen instantly when pool spawns
    -spawn 2 zerglings to scout and or kill opponents scout.
    18 Roach warren
    17 drone
    18 overlord
    Queen spawns inject larvae ASAP and wait til your Roach warren finishes.

    From here on out you can spawn 7-8 roaches to harass and or contain incase the protoss player tries to pull of an expansion you can atleast delay this. 40% of the time i can end the game this way. if you see the toss forge cannoned his choke, dont even bother just stay at his natural.

    after those roaches spawn i would normally tech to lair and go with a hydralisk den if i feel that I can contain him with 1 base with a later expansion, if not i would delay my lair tech and expand first. its really on your gut feeling. just remember to keep your army population on par with his in order to contain him.

    -my favorite counters against colossus are infestors. for a couple reasons; 1) You dont have to invest so much time and minerals/gas to go to hive tech and create corruptors/broodlords. 2)once you have a lair, all you need to do is throw down an infestation pit and research Neural Parasite to mind control those colossus.
    How to use em? simple just like every other spell casters. Press the hotkey "E" and click on a colossus, and thats it. you should have him mind controled. make sure your infestors have 100 energy cause thats how much it takes to mind control one.

    more tips;
    -you can fly and overlord and spill creep just outside the protoss players base and create 2 or 3 spine crawlers there to help contain.

    -early in game make sure you expand your creep. use those creep tumors! moving your units up and down the map is crucial and it will give you a good range of vision along the map.

    -or you can be sneaky and try to pull out a nydus in his base.
    Last edited: May 24, 2010
  14. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Ahahaha. If you think protoss only goes zealot + stalker to start, then you are going to get a rude awakening when someone goes zealot + sentry and wrecks your "roach contain" easy.

    Anyway, as a protoss player, the one zerg tech I don't want to face is mutalisks. It forces me to invest in phoenixes, which are nowhere near as versatile as mutalisks are.
  15. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Well Phoenixes can actually fire while moving now, so I wouldn't cal them that less versatile. Besides, lifting up some enemy casters with them can be quite useful.
  16. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Yes but they need energy to attack ground. That's a lot less versatile than a flying unit that does full damage to both air and ground without relying on energy.
  17. BTNHfan99

    BTNHfan99 New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    im sorry i meant to say mainly zlot and stalkers. (i just edited my post above) off course you will see a sentry here and there but i was trying to point out was that the majority of the group is going to be zlots and stalkers. so it would be wise to open up with roaches and hydras.
    unlike the zergs we can open up with lings banelings, roach hydras, or mutas. but the toss is always going to be mainly zlots and stalkers the first 10 minutes of the game, unless you see a silver skill level player going mass void rays.

    btw, you shouldnt be afraid of mutas. 2 cannons around ur mineral line is all you need. it takes 4 mutas to take down 1 cannon.
    Last edited: May 24, 2010