Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! zergs are reproduced by doing you-know-what if you know what i mean Oh and don't double post to add something in your comment click on edit ^_^
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! o sorry like i told you im new to this i didnt see edit is there anyway i can delete one and put it all in one wait i just found the del button thanks XD
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! Ha ha no problem man have you read the forum rules yet?? because if you don't there's a probability that you could be banned
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! Thanks for posting a new thread Now we can go crazy. I would assume that even when they reproduce they just eat their babies. Kinda like Nikzad. Anyway..... They're not going to ban a new member for not realizing the rules. He'll figure 'em out. Welcome to the forum! Have fun!
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! probably but the overlord/overmind could control it and then they won't eat there babies.... *gasp* zergs don't need to reproduce!!! the zerg larvae can just evolve into something!!! oh yeah woot i have 300 posts now
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! If you really want to know how the Hatchery makes the larvae which then rearranged its own DNA to become another species of the Zerg, then you should ask yourself how the Terrans fit all those Marines inside the barracks? It's really an unanswerable question.
Re: how do zerg reproduce!??!?!?!?! *Imagines hot guardian-on-queen action* Ensnare me, baby! Yeahhhh
A Quote from the Overmind If your flesh shall fall, that flesh shall be made anew To put that into context, larvas are produced by the hatchery by recycling dead zerg units in the battlefield.
That's the fundamental for all Zerg, not only limited to the cerebrates. Old dead zerg units, their flesh and organic matter are being recycled by the hatchery to produce larvas. The larva can then be morphed into other units with the aid of minerals and vespene gas. I know I've said this plenty of times. If you can have a better theory/hypothesis then go ahead.
zerg comes from hatchery/lair/hive lair comes from hatchery hive comes from lair larva comes from hatchery hatchery uses the "asexual reproduction" this is my guess