This attached replay was a match I played on b-net, and is a 4v4 of fastest (I know, some of you guys hate that map). I wanted to let others see it because everyone on this forum is a good sc player, and I wanted to see where I needed improvement. I am white protoss in the 7 o'clock position. The main thing I noticed is that I have a hard time keeping my production going while I'm moving around attacking and defending other bases. In this game, I decided to go air, building corsairs, scouts, and a few carriers. Unfortunately, I forgot to get observers. P.S. thx kuvasz for telling me how to add replays to my posts.
I will check your replay I am curoius, but your problems are usual.. Just try to plan everything before the game. So that you won't forget about building observers And for building units during attacking, I use the 1-2-3 or the 9-8-7 hotkeys for the barracks,' or whatever I want to build. Edit after wieving your replay I have to admit that that is a leally annoying map I wouldn't go up for scouts.. They are not good for much. The carriers were good idea, but you started to build them a bit late. Against the zerg attack, a large group of zealots would be enough. Protoss air is not really strong.. ground can beat it unfortunately. Corsairs only for support next time i suggest. With more Carriers, shield batteries in the front lines, and ground units.. Like DT zealot combo. Nice play tough.
I'll watch the replay later on but what I can suggest after reading your post is that you keep doing something at all times. If you're just after a battle and would like to take a breath and recharge your shields, that's the time to go for production. I usually go like this: 0, 1, 2 - Nexuses; 3, 4, 5, 6 (sometimes even 7, 8 ) - Gateways; 7, 8, 9 - Robo or Stargate. You just keep pounding at the numbers and the hotkeys with both hands until you run out of resources, then you go back to attacking/defending with your units. At least that's what I do