I've been zelet rushed about 8 times how do i stop them !! ( i play as photos and i use a d templar strategy)
Get a few zealots yourself ! Always! Then tech up to templars. A few stalkers are good also if ur good at microing them around.
Dude by the time you get Dark Templars, your Nexus will be thrashed by Zealots.. Go Terran and bust out the Firebats - Splash Damage..!
try to block the entrance to your area with buildings, pilons and cannons while you mass up stalkers to shoot the zeolots while they thrash at your barriers.
You only have 2 defense options as protoss that early in the game zealots yourself or cannons. If you go cannons and can't get them down quick enough (as they do cost more then zealots) you won't be able to stop a rush on your own. I will block my choke point so that only a single file line of zealots can come through that way you only have to fight one at a time if you block your choke properly. This combined with just 1 cannon will help with an early rush. Also along as you have a forge there you might as well up your zealots defenses early to give you more hit points the person rushing you probably hasn't done that or upgrade their attack if their idea was to rush early. If you can squeeze out an early sentry to help with your choke point this can assist as well. Have your very opening build down to a macro science, I mean you should be able to perform it blind, know it that well. When you are trying to stop a known rush every second & mineral counts.
you are obviously not scouting your opponent. you need to see if he starts with 2 gateways, if he is, then he is zelet rushing u. You need to find out whether he is has built right outside of your base. if he is rushing you, CHANGE YOUR BUILD FFS. block your entrance with a pylon and gateway and put a zealot in between, get a stalker to shoot from behind the buildings.. its so easy... if you are extremely lazy and the only way you know how to play is with DTs then build photon cannons and tech to DTs
I'm currently having trouble with this, being 2'gated super early by toss whenever I am playing as toss. I drop down two gateways and start chrono boosting zealots but it's too late. I usually know I am being zealot rushed around 11 supply, when I spot their proxy pylon, but it's too late. Even seeing it before a single gateway has been built, it's too late. At that point, I wasted too much minerals/chrono on probes to match their zealot production. :/
another thing you can do... is build cannons, but only build just enough! not more because you want your opponent to believe he can break through, so he can commit to his rush. spread your cannons apart so he cant see all of them as he goes up your ramp. tech to void rays.
What can zerg do against a zealot rush or a toss timimg attack with zealots, stalkers, sentries and possibly immortals? Just to add: Toss is way imbalanced!
Wall in your choke point and place 2-3 zealots in the little space with stand ground mode.Adding a photon cannon nearby would be perfect.