How do lurkers attack?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Babmer, May 17, 2008.

How do lurkers attack?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Babmer, May 17, 2008.

  1. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Ok this has been bothering me for a very long time now, HOW do lurkers attack? I understand that they "send spikes through the ground" but how? is it long tentacles which they send up? do they psyhicly make the ground spike upward? or do they run foward and stick their spiny head up out of the ground? i mean wtf it doesnt make sense :S.
  2. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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  3. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    cannot appear to find a picture of them anywhere, or locate them on the model, + they appear more 'rock' like :S.. gah i hope blizz thinks this through in sc2 :p.
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes it kinda does not make sense. but i heard blizzard is planning to redo the lurker attack. more lethal and deadly looking, might as well make it look believable.
  5. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    but i still cant believe that lurkers will now be in a later tier T_T
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    i think its a good thing coz if they will remain the same tier as before and considering that there are too many zerg returning units then the zerg play is the same just as before making it repetitive and boring.

    my idea for the lurker is since its a top tier now, i say a completely new more buff monstrous look, more supply count, more cost, stronger, and a new name. same attack mechanic but with a new feel.
  7. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    You're totally right. Roaches, Corrupters, Infesters, and Queens aren't going to change the game one bit.

    No, but really, I wish the Lurker had some kind of buff that justifies moving it to late game.
  8. ChickeN Wing

    ChickeN Wing New Member

    May 5, 2008
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    What I think it does is burrow itself very deep then shoot spikes upwards through the ground. This would make sense as it evolves from a hydralisk that shoots spikes through the air, and when it evolves into a lurker its spikes upgrade so they can move through the ground so the lurker can fight underground and wont have to worry about getting shot while it fights.
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    but still almost all zerg core attack units are back in sc2, mutua, zergling, hydralisk, lurker, guardian (swarm), ultralisk.

    anyway im betting 2 of the old units above will get replace although it seems impossible.

    terran most attack units are gone, the vulture, firebat, valkerye, wraith and golaith.

    for the toss, dragoon, reaver, scout, corsair, arbiter.

    zerg..hhmmm. devourer. scourge?

    the only new zerg unit that really have an impact is the queen.

    roach. ok.

    nydus worm is just a moving nydus canal.

    banelings = suicidal zergling.


    corruptor = devourer. and infester = defiler. swarm guardian?= guardian + broodling.

    check out the terran, the have new impressive uni concept, thor, viking, marauder, reaper, jackal/cobra, predator(it will be back).

    toss is the best coz they have, stalker, immortal, collosus, mothership, warp ray, phoenix, nullifier.

    imo zerg is the easiest race to create or come up with new exciting innovative units but somehow we only got like few of them. and i know its bcoz of the core attack zerg units (lurker, hydra, mutua, ultra, zerglings, guardian) taking up more spots allowing no vacant spot for new ones.

    its impossible to remove the hydra, zergling, and mutua... how about the ultra, guardian, and lurker. tho the new 3d ultralisk looks great. =\

    yes guardian, ultra, and the lurker are somewhat iconic for the zerg but how about the goliath, wraith, firebat, and the toss dragoon, scout, dark archon etc they were also semi iconic but they were all axed.
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ zeratul11. What is the point of renaming it? It's not going to make the game more exciting because it's exactly the same as the old Lurker and everyone knows it. It's fine if the make it stronger, more expensive, etc, but that's just balancing, which they do to everything. Renaming it does nothing. In fact it just makes them look cheap and as though they're trying to pass off old beloved mechanics as new ones for new units, which it's not. It's still a Lurker and it always will be. You don't see them removing the Mutalisk, then making another fast, Air-to-All attacker whose attack bounces to two other nearby targets and calling it a Exfugalisk or anything. It's just a cheap and useless way of attempting to add 'new' units.

    Yes a lot of Terran and Protoss were removed, but the same happened to the Zerg. You're just choosing to exclude them to try and prove your point. Defilers were removed, Devourers were removed, Scourges were removed and Queens were also removed, they just used the concept of a super-organism's queen to create a unit with a new role.
  11. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes if the mutualisk now had a very different look, but with some few buffs, new hit points, but still shoots acidic glave worms then its reasonable to give it a new name already for a new feel since its sc2. lorewise, they could say the mutualisk has already evovle into audualisk now, or the mutualisk being dumb and clumsy was all executed from the swarm by kerrigans will and replace by the new improve air superiorty mosnter the audualisk.

    also how about addressing some of my important points like there are too many zerg core attack units returning for sc2 actually all except for devourer. and i think its one of the reason why the new zerg units doesn't compare with the new ones with the toss and terran has. when you play toss and terran you get to play new units, viking, banshee, immortal, warpray, etc.. not anymore vulture, firbats, dragoon, etc for basic attacking.. but how about the zerg? you will still basically use all zerg core attacking returning units from sc1 in most games or all games in sc2.

    so this is my problem with the zerg right now.

    thats why i thought either the lurker, guardian, or ultralisk should be replaced or should feel new.

    renaming units is wrong just bcoz their mechanics and role is basically the same with some few buffs? whats the point? well it helps make the unit feel NEW. its justifiable renaming them. it makes sense if your planning to return old unit but would want to give them a new feel. SWARM guardian. TWIlight archon. TEMPEST = carrier (with shield and shoots shurikens and only ground but the point is that the carrier was replaced from the orignal toss build by the tempest).

    ok swarm guardian. now looks like a lobster (like i said new look just like what i want for the lurker) ok the name guardian remained, but blizzard could have just give it a new name just like the carrier = tempest build.

    so the lurker. now new tier, new look (maybe turtle like), new slicing spikes mechanic (not straight anymore), could just well be given a NEW name for a new feel. whats wrong with that? at least now it feesl completely new. lets just get use to this new one and forget the lurker even tho they have similarities.

    but if you disagree that means your just a loyal fan of the old lurker and afraid to lose it not bcoz its pointless renaiming them. =\
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  12. AlexBlaze

    AlexBlaze New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Hyperion's cantina.. *BURP*
    you can't say: "OMG zerg will have many old units while protoss and terran got new ones". You forget that, after brood-war, the swarm laid dormant more or less, till now ( 4 years later :) ). So they didn't do much of DNA hunting like when the zerg were first created. Protoss and Terran built new equipment, vehicles etc, but Zerg can't do that, so they evolve most of their units and axe others to counter the new Terran and Protoss technologies. The new Queen evolved from the old one (look at the legs etc) to fit new role, Overseer -> from Overlord, Baneling -> from Zergling.. The Lurker was very good they way it was in SC1 and, of course, it will be a little buffed in SC2, but still, i think the Zerg will need it. Cheers