I've played WoW for 3-1/2 years. I'm used to using the WASD keys to move around. I'm new at Starcraft, I played a little of the original, and now I have the SC2 beta. I do not like having to slide my keyboard way to the left so my left hand can easily operate the arrow keys to move around the map. I also don't like changing the map view by moving the mouse. I want to use WASD for movement instead of the arrow keys. And why isn't it like that in the first place? I read about people using all sorts of hotkeys in thia game, but that is not necessary, I can point and click with the mouse more easily than looking at the keyboard to press hotkeys.
And why isn't it like that in the first place? because Blizzard want to test the hotkeys as they are set up now. And if they were that way in the first place, then others who don't like WASD would complain. I'm sure in the retail version the hotkeys will be customisable.
Left handed people. Some of us use the mouse in our left hand and the arrow keys in our right hand. Just one example but I'm sure there is more.
I like the hotkey setup as it is honestly. With most players being right handed (I am a southpaw but I do typically use my right hand for mouse movement.) and most of the hotkeys can be accessed by moving the left hand very little, and the situations in which camera movement via keys is faster or easier than movement via the mouse a few and far between IMO, but I'm sure there will be some way to customize it in the retail version as the8thark said. I do believe that once you adjust to the system that's in place, i.e hotkeys/camera movement by mouse that you're game will at the very least increase in pace.
Personally, I've never liked games that force me to use the WASD setup. Then again, I hardly use hot keys as is, except for the 1-0 grouping or shift for queuing buildings/warping units.
As a SC1 player who never played WC, I want it to remain the way it is now. Personally, I don't even use the arrow keys while gaming. I cursor to the edges of the screen to pan and use the minimap to jump around the map.
If anyone's on the position of WASD or Arrows I'm going to take the position of customizable keys. Seriously, any reason not to? Personally I'm mainly a FPS-player so not only do I have very low mouse-senistivity, it takes some time to get the cursor to the edge, I'm also used to WASD. My mouse also have a great deal of buttons, I want to use those for something too. I'm hoping I can map different units' abilities to my thumd and so on. Ooh, I want to use my mouse-wheel to cycle groups
I haven't tested it out, but under Menu (lower left) and Options there is a hotkeys section for remapping buttons. The whole idea behind hotkeys is not having to look down, thus enabling you to perform certain actions faster while also leaving your mouse free to do other things. From a competition stand point it is very necessary if you want to improve your game.
well, here's the thing about starcraft, it's not an RPG. you don't control a single character. the main priority is giving commands- hotkeys like Attack, Stop, etc. take far greater priority than scrolling around with keys, since you've already got 2 other methods for that: sliding the mouse over and clicking the minimap. once you become a better player, using the mouse to navigate and keyboard for hotkeys becomes absolutely necessary.
One of the biggest insults you can call someone in WoW is a button or bar clicker; hotkeys are extremely important to do anything in the game well. He mentions playing WoW for 3.5 years then mentions that he thinks it's not necessary to use hotkeys. He set up the bait perfectly. Everyone bit, but not the way he intended. That being said, if Blizzard doesn't let you remap hotkeys (I think you may be able to do now) there will be a third party program that will let you, depending on how strict Warden is going to be.
Agreed with the above. You can play WoW without hotkeys but expect to be horribly pawned in 5 seconds if you don't use hot keys in PvP or the harder PvE. And SC2 is the same. I even think the PvE (or single player content) will be the same as it's very similar to the multiplayer content. Mind you custom content is a different issue and could be very different.