If you would like us to put any effort into our replies perhaps you should put some effort into your original post.
Do you have any replays you can post? These would really help us figure out what might be making you lose...
I find this original post humorous, because when I made my thread, that line he used was my honest feeling of the current Zerg vs Terran match up. (The level of skill from the Terran player still effects this, but I've been paired up vs platinum level players due to my ranking) Even applying advice and new tactics I'm fighting a losing battle vs them because of the numerous attacks I have to avoid/counter before I can get an effective*(typo fix) scouting plan laid out. I can honestly admit the stress and annoyance of simply fighting one throws off my play style - doesn't help when I see a scan sweep my base and goodness forbid they spot my force with it...and the shear amount of nerd rage I muster from knowing my enemy is now aware of my weak points from that is unavoidable. ^_^
I play zerg too, and I have nearly no problems against terran, I struggle against toss. My strat is always zerglings/banelings, always scout with a single zergling what's up the ramp, if there's no siege tank, get some banelings to destroy the wall. This will 1) put the terran under pressure to produce more low tier units (or tech up and have nearly zero defense) and 2) grant you access to his base to rape with speedlings. If HE attacks YOU, like with marine rush, just outproduce him, build 1-2 spine crawlers & lings, get a good surround, and push him back further until he is contained in his base. Hellions are usually sent out to harass your minerals, just place two spine crawlers on each side of your hatcheries. Hellions may be strong against lings, but only when kiting. With speedlings you get a quick surround and even hellions are no more problem, except maybe with their upgrade. After containing him, either invest in ground forces to break his wall, like tech up to hydras or infestors, always see what he gets to counter it. You may also make an overlord drop, you'd have to research this. But this is very effective, just get some speedlings/banelings into the ov, get them in his base and kill his mineral line. You may also get mutalisks, to frequently raid his min line, he will spend resources on missile turrets, just hit spots where no turrets are, once he has spammed his base with turrets build a strong ground force and say hello.
ZvT is my favorite matchup. I eat Terrans for breakfast as Zerg. Domanz: I've never encountered a Terran with tanks when doing a Baneling bust. You can break in and slaughter them before they get tanks. The only real defense against a well-timed bust is: lots of well-placed Marines; a pair of Marauders keeping you from the wall; or a thick wall (two barracks and a factory or something similar). Basically, if they're not incorporating defending against Banelings into their strategy, you'll get Zerglings in there. Arzgoth: Post some replays to let us have an idea what you're doing. We can be a lot more helpful that way =)
They're meant to be easy to macro and mass, so not surprising Most terran will wall so, I have 3 choices when fighting terran. 1)Early push before they even build up 2) Harass and contain until he drains himself out 3) Nydus Worm