I just want to get this idea rolling, and maybe, just maybe it's worth it...and worth the time spend typing it. Sure in SCII like in the first one we have specific units to select for production. Yeah the units are different in some ways to the first starcraft, but does it not seem worthy to further customize each unit. Does anyone see where I'm going with this? ...Trim some of the armor for mobility, add firepower at the expense of firerate and so forth. How neat it would be to see these slight changes in the units in the battlefield (they would even look a bit different so the opponent knows it's some freaking prototype)...adds a sence of suspense!? There would be so much variery to the game. Oh so sweet, better than honey and babes. Yes no life. You could spend your time before the online game or whenever to tune in your unit to match your tactics and needs. Then later on the game just click that unit for production (or even do quick modifications as the battle dynamics change online) Oh baby, this will add some more replay value to the game, ahhh replay value. Make the tank smaller but then with degrease firepower and perhaps even the projectile would cause less splash damage but the darn thing cost significantly less. Hell, the production time for the thing is significantly less. Come on this will add richness to the game. Fling this around and see what others think? But I can't imagine how much extra time this would add to the SCII production time. This is just the spark of an idea that I cannot fully express. Perhaps someone that reads this can move it to the next level. We all want SCII to be the best bang for the buck. Perhaps this can be another step towards that. Regards, Yupeke
This would be a good idea if this wasn't StarCraft. StarCraft should remain StarCraft, in my opinion. It's absolutely 100% perfectly flawless as is so I think they should stick to the formula. But, other than that.. Why even have units to begin with? If you're going to be able to customize the units to the extent that you're describing then it'll hardly resemble the unit it originally was. You aren't simply talking about changing stats or abilities.. You're talking about changing what the unit IS. But, if you want this then just play/make UMS. Consider this an already confirmed feature. Also, what you are describing is exactly what is in Earth 2150.. It didn't work out so well.. I'm sure it's in a lot of other RTS that I haven't played as well.
Yeah, this idea has been tried to before, Galactic Civilization II comes to my mind first. You actually select everything about the units. You can control their look, and their speed, attack type/strength, and defense abilities are all up to you. It sounds sweet at first, and it is kinda fun, but it gets old really really fast. You end up going through the same research paths, just so you don't have to redesign ships again. In short its an interesting concept and makes for a fun game, but its nothing compared to SC. I would be really upset if SC:2 went this route. On top of that it would make balancing near impossible, and almost ruin any chance of SC:2 seeing play at the pro-level.
Gee, it does not have to be that involved. I mean now a tank is just that tank. Perhaps just slide a ruler that shows quick sidechanges to the tank to make it cost less or more effecting the specific unit accordingly. I see your point though, don't make it an insane chicken meal...I mean just chicken. Can't anyone expand on this idea. Come on...were on to something...just needs tweaking...A lot of tweaking...hey maybe you can tweak it. tweak .. I got a tick going...and please reply about my grammar.
Let me introduce you to the map editor, TC. Keep multiplayer the way it is going so that pro-level gaming can be as great as possible (Hopefully, it will reach the same heights the original did.. or even surpass it) and as many people as possible can enjoy it. Blizzard has a great forumula.. They should stick to it. Blizzard has already given you this and more in the campaign editor.. Use it! "were on to something" It's been done before and it was no where near as great as StarCraft.
I like the thought of having a few "options" for a unit better then making in fully customizable, but as Tychus said, I'd rather not see it in multi-player. It really does sound like fun mechanic, I'm just not a fan of introducing something like that into SC, at least not the multi-player side of it. As Tychus said, UMS maps would allow you to do this, and I think that is where this idea is most likely to find a lot of support.
Yup just an idea that is dying. View it more like a unit upgrade (you know them upgrades for armor and weapon hit points). That way you can choose a tweak tad different tank adaptation from the original version. Perhaps puts a machine gun on the turret instead of the siege cannon (the thing might cost a bit less . But it stops there! This kinda little customizing for each or most units of each race. I bet you can think of something for the lurker besides just upgrading the armor and hitpoints. e.g. a lurk that attacks without burrowing. At least you have the choice. It's like in the real world (ya I know it's just a PC game). Look at all the side tweaks for a certain plane or a tank in WWII for instance? But we don't have to put that many in the game, just one or two for each unit. Dude this is the last I'll hit you up on it. Later, yupeke.
All about multiplayer; I mean what is the AI gonna do? It's all about multiplayer. That is all I care about I mean serioulsy I don't mind a tad bit if SCII is just aimed at multiplayer. Heck you play the single players and it's over. Multiplayer is forever.
Its not a bad idea, and I would be kool to see it come out as a mod of some sort, but for the straight SC:2 it is to much. Having one or two upgrade options for every unit would make balancing a nightmare. On top of that it is a whole new mechanic to upgrades. Rather then being a one time research cost that affects all units of that type, you are looking to change the cost for creating a unit. The closest thing to this was when the battle cruiser had two optional weapons you could research on a unit by unit basis, but they aren't going to implement that any more(last I saw at least). Even that was a post production upgrade to a unit, and a change to the cost of production. Again, it is a very fun sounding idea, and I would like to see mod, and user maps using it. That being said there are many reason why I wouldn't want it implemented in Blizzard release of SC:2. Another reason being it would push the release back a good deal, what with coming up with unique ideas, and then balancing everything.
StarCraft already has infinite replay value and an infinite skill ceiling. What you're talking about has been done countless times and none of those have been as good as StarCraft formula. It's a good idea when it's just an idea, but once it's put into practice it fails.. miserably. That's my opinion. Just use the campaign editor. It will give you everything you want and more. The only difference is the balance and the ranking system.
Yeah what you need is some sliders, in the factory window (the part where it shows you what your building), Like this |-------------[SLIDER]------|. They'd be for Armour, HP, Speed, Damage etc. When you move one, The others adjust also. Example: On a tank, 4 sliders, Armour, HP, Speed and Damage. HP goes up, Speed and Damage go Down. Armour goes up, HP and Speed go Down. Damage goes up, Armour and HP go Down. Speed goes up, Damage and Armour go Down. They all go down half as much as they go up (because there is 2 values down and 1 up). This way, its impossible for you to max all of them, and impossible for you to get them all to the minimum. The pricing would stay the same, and so would the build time because the vehicle is still in proportion to itself.
Spore comes to mind here when I think of this. I have to design practically everything in Spore. And at times I'm just like hey I just want to play the game and not have or redesign something each and every time. A little annoying. And the same for SC 2. I just want to play with what's there. And it'd be much harder to master SC 2 this way. As you'd have to first edit the units to your style of gameplay. And learn how to master that. And hope that your opponent edits his in a way that are counterable by your units. Like you could see his tank. But you'd have no idea initially how fast or strong it was. I think think this is a really good idea. Just as said above not really good for SC 2.
No, i agree. Starcraft is perfect the way it is. I don't want my previously mentioned idea involved at all... I love how it's whole strategic base is up to player skill, not player uh... construction?.. Sounds silly i know, but i can't think of a better way to describe it. I was just building on his/her (sorry, not to sure and i don't mean to offend) idea, for their sake... Not for Starcraft's... It's Perfect