What hot keys do you guys use? I've been playing RTS games for almost a decade but have always been a clicker. Any tips of good key combinations?
All of them. Most people say that if you want to be a pro, you should never use the mouse unless you absolutely have to. Force yourself to never click on icons for a few games and you'll see your apm start to climb.
I try, but some hotkeys don't make any sense to me.(why is probe "E"?) Usually go warpgates, so I usually just click the unit I want and hold shift to create out of all 5+ gates at once
I think this time around they tried to keep all the hotkeys around WASD. Even in RTS games my hand hovers there, so I guess Blizzard is thinking a bit more. But I'm still learning some hotkeys here or there since it's always a letter buried in the unit/building name. As opposed to something like P for Probe. It's not that hard to dash my hand over, press P, then go back to the left side of my keyboard. I should just change the hotkeys...
you should always use hotkeys. hotkey your nexus as 1 so whenever you want to make a probe you can just click 1 and e. this is fast and works if your attacking somebody and cant click back to your nexus. also hotkey your main army then special units like sentries or stalkers if they have blink so you can easy switch off your main army to use a special ability like psi storm. even making a building you can use hotkeys like using b or v for basic or advanced buildings and hotkey for pylons or gateways so you dont have to click. also when you are first scouting you can using the shift key to put in many waypoints for your probe so you dont have to click him all over the map. like in the beginning when you want to build your first pylon. hold shift then build the pylon and the right click back to your mineral field or to a spot you want to scout. this really saves a lot of time which is crucial when playing better players.
To be completely honest, I don't force myself to use hotkeys if i find that I can do the same action faster with a mouse. That isn't to say I don't use hotkeys at all, because I do use a fair amount. For example I will click a unit producing structure (or double click if i need more) but i will use hotkeys to get the units in production while my mouse goes to do whatever I have planned next. I do use the occasional control group in all of my games though. Honestly it's really up to you and how you want to play the game. Can you potentially play faster and better with hotkeys?yes. Are they a guarantee you will play better? not necessarily.
Ok protoss players! READ THIS: Change your hotkeys in the options menu -> hokeys to: GRID So the command card(the selection menu on the right bottom of your screen will be 'transferred' to your keyboard. So by selecting the nexus. the probe is on the top and totally left. so its Q On a gateway: Q is zealot W is sentry E is stalker On a probe: Q is nexus W is assimilator E is Pylon You dont have to remember everything! Just press what you see(and after 3 games) know! It realllly improved my game! good luck
THIS IS REALLY HELPFUL! I tried this out, and you can build up and warp in units ALOT faster. Also, hotkeys are essential for managing your economy effectively.
Yep, you're right about that Mystiry ! Here's a movie that explains it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBHBsBS__1M I never used hotkeys ( waaay to complicated AND you have to learn them all again for every race ) but since i use the grid i issue commands 2x faster
I've talked with many many pro's (even though I'm not one yet myself) and they all seem to agree on one thing - hotkeys are the keys to success (no pun intended). When I started out I relied far too much on using the mouse, I wish I had learned hotkeys much earlier.
I cant live without hotkeys!!!! D: its soo stressing to use the mouse all the time xD i remember the first time i was playing zerg i litterally freaked out because theres so much to do and my mouse just kept clicking and moving but then i got into hotkeys and everything was so nice and relaxing
The reason why probes are E is because... Well first off there is an E in probe and second off... It keeps all the worker keys clumped together. It makes life easier for us random players. We can keep our fingers sitting over the S, D and E keys. S for SCV, S D for Drones, and E for probes. Makes life easier for us.