I've lurked around these boards a couple of times before but never really registered (for no reasons whatsoever :wacko. How are things around here? Can't wait to start posting. I love almost all blizzard games (just ignored WoW alone from the start...don't ask why ) and I'll be patiently waiting for starcraft 2 (yes, I can wait for it!) and especially the editor. So yeah, hello again and with this, I end my boring, yawnfest introduction :daydreaming:.
It is good to reveal yourself Moondog, and things are good around here. Welcome to the forums! (and your introduction is not boring to read) The only Torrasque here btw.
Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay. I agree your introduction is boring... no age, residence, preferred race, interests, nothing.
^ *kuvasz potentially scares new member away* Welcome to the forum Moondog. Oh, and watch out for the fledgelings, they bite.
I was referring to the racial preference thing... Not only starcraft has races, you know. And your sig and ava combo rocks. Although Fenix is my current favourite when it comes to avatars. Just brilliant.
Thanks for the welcome! No worries, I'm not scared yet;don't wanna disturb those fledgelings! (or am I already doomed?) As for my interests, it goes sort-of in this order - Video games (a born geek I tell ya') > Music > British stand-up comedy > Horror movies D) Anyways, I've got to go now but I'll return soon enough.
ME TOOO!!! can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait!can't wait! Oh, welcome bro!
Hurray for horror movies and British comedy! Depending on what you think of 28 Days Later, it could be both XD Welcome to the Forums Moondog!
Rojo here. Any of the guys here give you a rough time... Well good luck. I'm more of the mercenary type. You get some resources and we'll talk.
LoL....don't mind them, they don't get out much. I am LoVeRBoy[E] of course but most people call me LB....Welcome to little our slice of heaven and enjoy....and who knows we may be come best of friends...... . . . . . Pouvez-vous nous parler tout en français? (can you speak any french?)