Let's pretend I made a flash game. If I were to post a thread about it, do you think I should post it in The Arts?
That makes sense. This thread is now about books that had an important impact on your life. Life of Pi helped me to understand religion better.
Believe it or not, but Picture of Dorian Grey. Most 'don't a judge a book by its cover' moral stories about about how it's bad to judge ugly people harshly. This one's about how a fantastically handsome, wealthy person is secretly a horrendous monster of a man. It's great. Also, Hitchhikers Guide. For many reasons.
It's not so much the story itself but the... morals isn't the right word, but it's the closest. Things have been, are, and always will be bigger than us. Much like Arthur Dent, thrust into situations which he neither understands or enjoys, so will we. It's life. He gets through it with the help of others, both friends and non-friends, like the rest of us. With that help, he adapts, survives, and almost, but not quite thrives. How? He just rolls with it. Sure, he resists aspects of it, or at least tries. But he almost always just goes along with it. It's almost Zen-like really. We have no control over what happens in our lives, all we can do is accept it and move on.
I know I am gonna read the 6th installment. But first I am gonna read the second foundation trilogy that I just discovered exists
I haven't yet. I enjoy the Artemis Fowl series to an extent, but I don't think Eion can capture Douglas Adam's... unconventional humour.
I had a hitchhiker once... She was trashed and moderatly attractive. After I let her out me and my friend had a random car follow us for nearly an hour before I pulled into a gas station. We walked inside and pretended to look at **** and just watched them. They pulled into the parking lot, one lit up a cig and sat there on the car while the other guy walked into the store and wondered around. We began torwards the counter and dropped our **** and ran out of the store, jumped in the car and 20 seconds later we were doing 95 down a 40. Guys ran out to the car after us but we were way ahead cus he was half way through checking out and had thekeys. It changed my life. Best believe I'm never picking up another hitch hiker.
I purchased the sixth installment mostly because Artemis Fowl has always pretty much been my favourite book ever, but I haven't read it yet.
ah i just love a hitchikers guide to the universe!... too bad i forgot to bring a towel the 25'th of may :C y'know the towel day-thingy xD