heya. ive been playing sc since about 2001 since when i was 9 im 17 now looks like a great forum and would be nice to be apart of this foum Some stuff about me: i like music from the genre of rock,rap,country,metal to heavy metal. wat are the funnest part of the foums?<i have a wide imagination and a very cruel and gory mind if the right words are mentioned i can twist them>
Simbob, are you arabic? Hallo there, Duke, I remember killing you with spammed scourges like 30 times. Where you from?
im from the good ol louisiana lol i love beer and love my whiskey to i also love to ride 4 wheelers and have a little street fun in my truck<racing,diggin, donuts, burnouts,ect.>
no actually im not im very laid back i can take alota **** before getting pissed but if someone hits me theyre goin down
i just play sc and play an mmorpg called Tibia.play my xbox/ an go hand out with my homies and drink beer o yea an see my gf
=$ tibia!? Rofl, i remember when this kid asked me to play with him. He was like "Come play this online rpg, We will be gosu!" ...---> Me "Uh no?, get a life?" Look @ me now... Welcome to the forum! Great to have you, question, do you only play terran?