Hive Queen!

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by thitian, Nov 17, 2007.

Hive Queen!

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by thitian, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. thitian

    thitian New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    zerg support/ caster unit

    200energy 250 with upgrade


    6 supply

    tier 2
    first thought of tier3 but for the abililtys i gave it itll have more use @ tier2 since thats main expanding phase
    and tier3 units after 20mins of game play would just eat it everywhere it walks to ^^

    graphics: looks like alien queen! ww

    abi1: 50energy spawns a larvae

    abi2: 100energy creates some zerg slime in target area just enough for 3 colonys or 1 building 1 colony
    (will disappear if nothings built on it)

    abi3: consume for energy just like the defiler...
  2. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I would not want another Queen in the Zerg Swarm, especially one that walks. I think the Zerg have enough ground units already, you know? But if you would like to read something, I started a topic about the existing Zerg Queen's role and a possible extension (or improvement if you will) to it. Check it out here!
  3. thitian

    thitian New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    well im not discussing your idea of broodlings; this change to the queen will make it a totally different unit with different usage and your idea has nothing to do with it. ???
  4. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I think you should consider your own advice and please do not think that I am trying to shoot your idea down. An egg forms from a Larva right?

    Larva -> Egg -> Zerg Unit

    The concept is the same. Mobile spawning ring a bell?
  5. thitian

    thitian New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    u make a useless unit out of a even more useless unit w 175energy~

    i think more agressive expanding and flexible production as well mass production for high support base cost
    fits zerg a bit better ~
  6. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    The whole point of me sharing the link to the topic with you is so that you could get an idea of changes that could easily be made to a unit that is readily available to the StarCraft universe. Also it would not be completely useless if you had a choice between Spawn Broodlings or Spawn Ultralisk if you catch my drift. I will admit that the Zerg Queen really was limited in actual StarCraft 1 gameplay but in StarCraft 2, so many things can change -- hence my idea for the Zerg Queen's role extension.

    Aggressive expanding and flexible production is already addressed in the topic, as the Queen with it's speed can reach places a lot faster than any ground unit can. The Queen can fly over obstacles that would normally impede the path of a ground unit. The Spawn Broodling technique was in the category in "mass production" as Blizzard thought it would be used almost extensively because it cost the player no minerals (disregarding the upgrade costs and the development of the Queen itself) and took only mana (which was regenerative) to produce.

    The Zerg focus was pretty much that of a Blitzkrieg mentality. Recall the Six Pool strategy? No other race could churn out that many units out at such an early point in any game. The Zerg also focused on mass attacks relying on the sheer amount of cheap and relatively weak units to achieve their goals. Simply put, No other race could keep up with the Zerg in production.

    If this was to come to fruition, a Zerg player can mass produce "Hive Queens" to produce even more units at any location the Hive Queen is at. This would cause imbalance in production roles (which is already in the Zerg's playing field) because of the cheap energy cost to create a larva and the cheap cost to produce a unit. You may counter that the Hive Queen would limit the amount produced because it's supply cost is pretty heavy but honestly, two Zerglings in each egg equals only one in the supply cost. Doesn't look to fair to me.

    The actual Zerg Queen would be best to modify because of what I mentioned before; The Zerg Queen is readily available to the StarCraft universe. It's role has been cemented into our minds and it's image has been planted. Another Queen would definitely be overkill for the race that swarms together!

    Come to think of it, your unit is similar to Remy's Zerg Turtle in terms of supply cost and mobility.

    Bah! I think I are is a hypocrite... rethinks me whole point in this post...
  7. thitian

    thitian New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    just think of it as evolution of the queen i dont want to add another queen.. but make the original one better...
    queen loses its own flexibility in order to improve the one of the swarm :)

    the energy limits the larva production which is a fault in your broodling idea as well just what i think...try to remember
    how often you actually could use broodling for 150 energy= maybe 2 times in a game per queen...

    theres nothing imba about the abis i posted cause u could easily just produce a lair instead and pop your units there..
    and again 5 units is max with fully uploaded 250 energy what probably never really happens in a bn game - -;
    consume isnt more than a loss of minerals abi for a temporal advantage..

    it cant be a flying unit as well with this stats would be to a big advantage when expanding with it..thats why ground~

    and seriously wtf is wrong with something new sc2 is a new game its nice they keep some old stuff but actually
    i dont want the same game i want it to be as good as the old one but improvements yes please and blizzard
    hasnt really overwhelmed us with new stuff they showed us so far /bored O
  8. hydralisk

    hydralisk New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    batavia new york
    i think this should just be the new queen or a mutation of the a reg queen