Does anyone know what the hive mind actually is? Is it something do do with the Overminds connection with the zerg? I heard it mentioned in various texts.
The hive mind represents the collective consinous of every zerg mind linked together. From this link a super intelligence is formed to direct and control the swarm. If the hive mind is not interrupted, it controls every single zerg across the galaxy.
If you're interested in the actual workings of it, check out how ant colonies or beehives work. It's almost the same concept, with psionic impulses taking the place of hormones.
A beehive or ant or wasp colony is a good way of thinking of how the zerg work. Another way is the Borg from the Star Trek Universe. And the Borg queen before it was destroyed was in many respects a lot like Kerrigan.
Wait, the borg queen has been destroyed permanently? Couldn't she just do the same thing as she did with the ship Picard/Locutus was on and enter another body?
She didn't? That would mean the Borg should go inactive.. right? Anyway, the best sci-fi hive mind off all times have got to be the Replicators from Stargate.
I get it now. The hive mind is just a SC term used to describe the pyshic connection each zerg has with each other and the overmind. Does that mean if the overmind, the cerebrates are destroyed the zerg can still function?
The game actually touched on this in the expansion. The zerg, as a complete entity, fails, and some zerg are left outside the small sphere of influence the burgeoning Queen of Blades can exert. These zerg are mindless in the truest sense. They're pretty much an embodiment of wanton destruction, an arrow without aim, if you will. They destroy, like other zerg, but without reason or purpose. They destroy because, at the very base of the zerg psyche, that is their instinct. The Overmind and Cerebrates are what mold the zerg into a force. That was the true power of the zerg. Their strength was not the sword, but the entity wielding it.
I never got into Warhammer, but I always felt like the original zerglings were a copy off Genestealers.
you're thinking of hormaguants my good sir, genestealers are nothing like lings, also carnifex beats ultralisk.
My understanding of the zerg is there are different broods which are like clans and they are territorial and hostile against each other. Each zerg can function within its own brood but is hostile and destructive against other zerg broods and species. The overmind is what brings all the zerg broods together to work together towards a common purpose. The cerebrates become like the commanders of each brood and overlords I think are just like moving comm transmitters. Kerrigan does the same as the overmind but Kerrigan and her zer have a slightly different purpose. Hows that? Starship troopers aliens are heaps cool for bug like aliens. The first movie wasn't that great I thought. Plenty of action but the story and plot was a bit silly. Haven't seen the second one yet.