OMG, I almost fell asleep reading it lol. So Shadow made clan, got warred on almost died, came back got warred almost died again, got warred almost died, came back.. lol ever win one? that's pretty much the history I read, and made some notables.. But think you cud make it more interesting then just a huge paragraph saying ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wut i said before but extended tremendously... just my opinion..
No, it had to go into detail. The history is a huuugeee timeline of events that made us who we are today and how we run this clan. Most people dont have such an extensive history as us cause they dont live as long. We never engage in warring which is why we dont win them History is very important in the clan, its heritage, its who we are.
I realized that, but if it was a time line use jot nots, If you want people to read to don't bore them to death.. It's like reading a book.. if the book continues on about the same thing to long you usually put it down..(Standard outline) ... -Who -How we got here -The present -Plot thickens (Interesting facts, battles, achievements) - conclusion (notables, thanks ect.) Just giving my opinion.. Don't gotta listen of course
Opinions matter in this clan. I understand where your coming from, it is quite the hassle to read it, but its for those who want to read it.
I was interested.. I read it and I'm not the bookworm kinda person... I just wanted some facts about the clan so I was up to date.
shadow didnt even intend for it to be read. he wanted it to just look long so like we had history, but thought it would be so intimidating that no one would read it to find the middle is filled with lil wayne lyrics