What is wrong with high templars? They can kill roaches, zerglings and hydras easiely...Is the storm getting nerfed in the next patch? I really hope so. 30 stalkers and 10 high templars can kill 20 roaches and 20 hydras without a problem. Just to put 1 storm on the army, 1 infront of the army and 1 at the back. Even a noob can pwn zerg with high templars, nerf go go.
I don't understand why this thread was junked. He hasn't even raged. Honestly I think that you should scout, see that you are going to be dealing with high templars, and prepare accordingly. It's not that hard to spread your army. Neural parasite a couple and have them storm the other templars?
Or fungal growth them, neural parasite one of them and storm the fungaled ones, cool! Zomg, a single infestor can own a whole group of templars, NERF NERF!
Hts cost a crap tone of money and time to tech to. Besides, if you were good with zerg you would know you could easily snipe HT's with 3-4 mutas because of how slow they are. Or have lings burrorowed/ flank them from the back. Its not hard.. Edit: Heck once I get bored of playign terran I may just move to zerg to prove that they are alot easier to play than most people think. But for now I am in Love with A Move T + kitting.
Yes you can: 20 broodlords/20ultralisks would take almost no loss against 30 stalkers/10 templars 40 carriers on the other side can beat 40 roaches np. DON'T YOU SEE THE POINT?
Kuvasz, yes i can. I mentioned hydras, hydras counters stalkers in all times. And with roaches infront its impossible to win as a toss with only stalkers, but then if you put in 6-10 high templars you dont even lose all your stalkers. The storm does to much damage and it needs a nerf. The storm does more damage then a ultralisk vs marines. Is that fair? Ultralisk is a tier 3 unit and high templar 1/5. I am not alone on this case that they need a nerf, i believe all terran and zerg players find them pretty much overpowered, because of the storm ability which does ridiculous amount of damage.
You can just move out from under the storm. Or if you don't want to do that then mass upgraded roaches and keep burrowing - storms won't even hurt you. Or go mutas which are a lot faster. Or speedlings and see them kill themselves. There are plenty of options.
You can't seriously be complaining about an 150 gas unit that needs 650/650 to tech to... As a unit the infestor is much more powerful than the HT since not only does it give you damage, but also control and can take control of enemy key units with ease(Just 10 minutes ago kuvasz neural parasited like 8 colossi of mine(which would have been enough to completely obliterate his roach/hydra army) and cleaned off my whole army with minimal loss... Should I go start a thread asking for the removal of NP? I saw the infestors before they came yet I kept making colossi - well, I payed the price of bad decision making... Just on a sidenote: If you have creep where the encounter takes place and roach speed upgrade, you can shrug off most of the damage by simply moving your units back... Storm gives you that option since it does damage over time... Fungal Growth and EMP(100 shield damage+100% energy damage+reveals stealth at a larger radious - seriously?) Don't since they do all their damage instantly... And in the end, when a unit's role is to turn the tide of battle when you have it - that's why people tech: if units were as cost-efficient in the higher tiers it'd be useless to tech - and it doesn't then the unit's design is a bad one... As for your more specific example: 40 stalkers cost 5000/2000 and 20roaches/20hydras cost 3500/1500 and the roach/hydra combo is most likely to win. 30stalkers/10HT cost 4250/3000 more than 20% increased mineral cost and DOUBLE the gas cost! You're not even considering similar army costs, get a grip!