The videos were added on 15 June but they seem to be quite old. Colossus fire is the good ole ray of death and we see the time bomb in action. There doesn't seem to be a cap on the number of motherships. The Terran video shows how old these footages are. We see old nomads, medics, and drop pods. A difference worth noting is the fenix's ability to attack ground. The content may be old, but it's still nice to watch 'new' footages.
the first video i've seen and is quite old, the 2nd one tho, i dont think i have seen it. but that one is still of a very old part of SC2, lots of abilities that are not in the game anymore. still i love the color green ^_^
You can hear 2 times in the end of the Terran video (first time when the nuke strikes) that Immortals use the same death sound as Dragoons. Wow man. I love that sound. It's so distinct, in stark contrast to some Terran exploding sounds that lack character (case of character would be the SVC, you all remember that high pitched noise when they die, apart from the explosion. Most Terran units lack those kinds of special traits). You can also hear that the first Immortal dying makes a low-pitched version of the death sound while the second Immortal makes a higher-pitched one. Nice. I'd also like to add that apart from the classic sound, the visuals are just as awesome. I am talking about the blue goo of course.