Hey I haven't played any starcraft games but I want to learn about the races and the story as well as get Starcraft 2 when its released. And can anybody explaint ehf roum shop thing to me?
Welcome, enjoy your stay. You can shop at the forum shop anytime, using the minerals you make here in the forum. You buy pets, as you can see I have a few probes and 1 stalker. You make minerals by posting *not in spacejunk* or people thanking your posts, or I believe added rep. People can also donate to other people with minerals. You then spend them on the pets, any sc2 unit You can put minerals in the bank and save them up with a small interest rate.
Welcome. Please remember that reputation is not something we just give out for one good post, there we use the thanks feature! The story is: The End
Also remember that the occasional dirty joke may be ok, but they really do make you look like an idiot if nobody finds it funny. But yes, reputation is for things that go above and beyond the above and beyond.
@the marine. Your welcome and if you need anything just tell me. @eatmereturns, ya i guess your right but he wouldnt know better, plus.... I dont mind.....o.o In some forums rep was something simple that you gave out all the way from answering a question too making a model someone likes, thats the way I prefer it anyway. Anyway most people are too lazy to give out thanks and rep to anyone on this forum. @furrer, I found it funny...........cuz its true.
reply :wacko: anyways go to portal and click races to find out about units. so here is the story: zerg stalk pshycics, terrans are getting slaghtered by all three races (yes, all three races) and protoss are bad***** who bomb the **** out of zerg infested terran worlds.
Oh and marine, I checked my rep thing. I dont think you gave it lol. Doesnt matter. You will eventually.....rawr.
In the old forum we had another system where we gave out a lot more (we didnt have thank you, so it was a mix between rep and thanks) - some even gave it out as bday presents So I thought Fenix had like 80 and I had 8 or something Sniper you can check your rep in user cp, I think I gave it to you a few days back.
I'd tell you to run away while you still can, but unfortunatly it's too late for you. We own your soul, you are forever trapped in the infernal, eternal sehenanigans that are the SC2Forums.org forums. Welcome to your doom