Hi, I've been lurking for a while now. What's the weather like where you are? It finally hit 27 degrees here in the UK
It's freezing cold and nasty with a 90% chance of crappy over the next 7 days... Just kidding, 78, sunny and gorgeous haha. <3 Florida.
stormy with heavy rains, lots of thunder, and tornado watches/warnings. Been like this for a few days
It starts out very cold early in the morning, the temperature raises to hot for 3-4 hours during midday and then goes really cold again. To top that you don't know whether it's going to rain or not. So you end up getting out unprepared every day, unless you intend to prepare for everything. I live in the town with the ****tiest weather in greece, period. I've heared that the weather in london sucks, but I spent like 10 days there 2 months ago and man was it awesome. Dull as hell, but you didn't need to transition to a whole new set of clothes for every kind of whim the weather might have. Wish I could live in athens, it's got like the best weather I've ever seen. Or rome. /end rant
Indeed, I find wordplay to be quite punny Oh ho ho ho. On subject, it snowed 4 inches here two night ago. It's now 60-ish degrees Fahrenheit. So, Utah weather.
[youtube]vhKjv9GuARQ[/youtube] scary stuff, death toll about 300 from these tornadoes in just a past few days.
Over here, where I'm near the equator on this little dot called Singapore, it's always a blazing 30 degrees celcius give or take. I only love it when it's raining =)